oooo the headache!

  • It's back! All day today the headache wore on......I tried broth and that lessened it for a few. I haven't been too much on the caffeine the last few weeks. I still have tibial edema. Is it the fat or the salt that's the culprit?
  • Quote: It's back! All day today the headache wore on......I tried broth and that lessened it for a few. I haven't been too much on the caffeine the last few weeks. I still have tibial edema. Is it the fat or the salt that's the culprit?
    It's most likely a combination of both. "Atkins Flu" can last a week or so until your body adjusts to this new way of eating. In the meantime, staying hydrated is of the utmost importance. Chicken broth ( NOT the low-sodium, fat-free kind ) and drinking plenty of water are essential.
  • I feel your pain! I woke up today with what I think is the infamous "Atkins Flu." I am so tired and just don't feel well at all. Made some breakfast and had two cups of tea then went back to bed hoping to ride this out. I'm not even sure if I can/should exercise today. Just cleaning the kitchen up felt like a marathon. About your headache-- I take Advil for mine. Not even sure if it's allowed but I wouldn't be able to work without it. Hang in there. This will pass.
  • it's gone!!! Thank goodness it was somewhat quick....I heard people have these for months. YIKES!! I have been reading and now hope I didn't accidentally add some sugar in somewhere....

    Thank you for the suggestions Jerseygirl! I think the adding salt really helped. I live in the desert so water is my best friend.

    cldwv....I'm so jealous you can jump back into bed! Unfortunately I had to work. I hope is passes quickly for you!!
  • Quote: I have been reading and now hope I didn't accidentally add some sugar in somewhere....
    Glad to hear its gone!!

    Would you mind posting a typical day's menu?
  • For some reason, pickles really help me with the Atkins flu. Try eating some!
  • ooo can't do pickles....

    for breakfast....2 eggs, bacon or sausage day I had velveta/broccoli, usually a salad with veggies, egg, usually bring strong cheese for a pick-me-up
    dinner....meat, salad and/or veggies

    salad veggies include...iceberg, spinach, tomato, mushroom, onion, cucumber, pepper

    I splurge on one diet pop a day either dt roobeer or dt 7-up, and I take my fiber supplement with flavored water

    I drink a ton of water during the day over 100oz easy

    I'm already down 4.5lbs I'm excited but know it's going to slow here shortly
  • awesome, thanks for the tip on the pickles. I am restarting on Monday and I am trying to plan ahead.....I also had the "flu" when I first started for 2 days and now that I am returning I will try something new
  • Good for you to start again Struggle... We are here for you!