stopped loosing weight

  • 6
  • How long have you been on your current plan? How long has it been since you lost weight? People, women especially, don't lose weight in a linear fashion. There have been a LOT of ups and downs in my journey.

    The one thing I know to be true... if you stick to plan, ANY PLAN, and don't give up... you WILL be successful .

    Hang in there!
  • I agree with Val. If you are following SB why don't you post your menu maybe you just need a little adjustment. Some (not me) don't eat enough and their body switches from losing weight to starvation mode. Also the stress of changing jobs might hinder your loss too. Keep us posted and be proud of what you have lost already.
  • Often when this happens to me it's because I "forget" the other components of the SB diet besides no bread/pasta/fruit. I go over the recommended amounts of nuts (big one for me), or dairy, or use full fat dairy instead of low fat. I have to remind myself to follow all aspects of the plan and get back on track. Not saying for sure this is what happening to you, just another idea
  • Has it just been the one week that you haven't lost weight? If so there is nothing unusual about that, on any plan.

    Also, if it is your time of the month, that can also stall weight loss or even gain weight, as the female body tends to retain water during this time.
  • You're eating a lot of processed foods... My body likes to lock up if I give it too many chemicals to play with. I try to avoid all the frankenfoods. Maybe cut them out for a week and see what happens.
  • I agree with Lindsey, it's not unusual to have a week where you don't lose. And I absolutely stall when I'm having my period. Also, I can imagine your stess level with starting a new job can stall things.
  • Man I'm going cold turkey for the most part (except for a tiny bit of sweet and low with a half pump of creamer in my breakfast cofffe - 1 cup) and it was hard but day 3 I am feeling good