Any type of help and motivation would be appreciated.

  • Good afternoon all! I'm a new member and am quite nervous, not knowing what exactly to say. Well, I'm 31yrs old and have been fat most of my life and have learned to live with it. Two years ago I had a beautiful baby girl which made me think, if I continue down this path I won't make it to her high school graduation! I already feel things in my body that I shouldn't be feeling at this age, lower back pain, joint pain, just to name a few. To top it all off, I have epilespy so the added strain on my body and mind from my weight isn't helping the situation. I guess what I'm getting at is; I need help in any form, words of encouragement, tips, exercises that I could handle at this weight, ways to change my eating habits that won't make me relapse and bing on unnecessary foods or snacks, anything would help! THANKS!
  • You need a weight loss buddy, I've found that if I try to do it by myself with no one knowing its so much easier to quit.
    Also, there are lots of different diets out there that all work so it's a matter of finding on that fits best for you that makes you feel the least deprived.
    Some people do well counting calories, some like atkins b/c they are a savory type of person, so are able to control themselves and reduce their portions.
    For me I have to have an exact plan with exact and limited things I can eat.
    I just started the Metobolic Research diet on my own (haven't gone to the centers) and I've found that it's really working for me...there is nothing that motivates you more than seeing that scale move.
    If you want to know more about it, let me know.
  • !!! I have a 2 year old baby girl too I was thinking the same exact thing when I decided it's time for me to lose this weight before I suffer from any other health complications. I'm glad you've joined this forum..........this site has been the most helpful place to go to whenever I need encouragement. It's also a great place to join in on weight loss challenges and to keep track of your progress.
    I started losing weight in the very beginning of April and I'll share a few things that have helped me. I discovered Leslie Sansone's walk from home workouts, tried them out, and LOVE them. I usually just type them up in Youtube and watch them from Youtube for free and do the exercises here in my livingroom when my daughter's in bed for the night or if she's taking a nap during the day.....whenever I have the free time to do it, I do it. I also bought a jogging stroller from someone off Craigslist and love taking her for walks & light jogs around the neighborhood. Zumba is also a really fun way to get exercise in for the day.
    When it comes to eating, I had done a lot of research about what's in our foods and decided to cut out as many processed/GMO foods as possible. I occasionally let myself have a pepsi or a little snack size bag of chips...but I don't buy those things in bulk and I don't keep those things in my cupboards/refrigerator. I mostly eat 'clean' fruits, veggies, meats. I find my recipes from &
    At first it was really hard because I was so used to binging and mindless eating, I didn't know when to stop and I didn't know how to recognize when I was full. But once I really started listening to my body it became so much easier to cut my portions. Now i'll eat breakfast and that'll hold me over for about 4 hours until I start feeling like i'm hungry again for lunch. Then it's about another 4 hours again until dinner. I try to limit any snacking in between meals unless I really feel hungry. Drinking plenty of water in between meals is so important.
    Sorry to make this so long........I hope some of these things will help you. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to add me to your buddy list/message me!
    You can do this!!!!
  • Hi there, and welcome to the forum!

    One of the best, low impact exercises you can do is walking. My little girl is going on two, and I take her on a stroller ride every day for about 30 minutes (she gets fussy to be strapped down for much longer). She could of course walk with me as well but that's slow going when I'm trying to get a workout going, and she runs around all day anyway! I also use Leslie Sansone walk at home videos so I can do things in the house while she is sleeping, or awake works as well. You can use some light hand weights while you walk if you want to work on your arms as well... just start with a 1 or 2 pound weight to begin with... it really does make a difference. Sometimes I also walk in place while doing dishes or folding laundry. My daughter thinks it's funny and "marches" with me.

    As far as eating goes, that is what I need to focus on to lose the most weight. I have lost a lot of weight in the past (and gained it back during my pregnancy of course), and calorie counting is the way that works for me. You will have to do some research into it if you are interested, but at my weight and body type I need to aim to eat about 1400 calories a day to lose per week. You would likely be able to aim higher to start and then lessen it as you lose the weight. You will want to learn about how different types of foods affect your body... I know some people can eat anything as long as they are within their calorie range and feel fine, but for me I make my calories high on the protein and fat side, along with lots of vegetables, and keep the carbs low. I am not on a no-carb diet, but I try not to eat more than 1 serving of bread/potato/noodle stuff a day. Eating more tends to make me want to binge on more and more. For me right now, I cannot eat sweets or baked goods because it will just make me want to eat more, but if I do decide to have something I add it into my calorie total BEFORE I eat it, so I know how it will affect what I eat the rest of the day.

    I have a husband, daughter, and two stepkids, and none of them need to be on a diet, so there are some higher calorie foods in the house that I just need to use willpower to keep from eating, and I tend to cook my own food as well off to the side... keeping it similar to what they are eating but boiling instead of frying, making myself broccoli instead of potatoes, etc. That way we can still sit at a family meal and I'm not eating something completely different, just lower in calories. I bake homemade things for them, and instead of leaving the stuff on the counter, I keep it in a cupboard hidden from my sight so I have to actually think about grabbing it.

    I have been using an app on my phone to count calories called "My fitness pal". I just use it for recording food calories and don't actually record my exercise calories. I count exercise as an "extra." I also weigh once a day when I wake up and write down the weight so there are no surprises. I have tried weighing once a week in the past but I tend to get off track.

    This is just what works for me. Calorie counting may not be for everyone and it is slightly time consuming (although after awhile you will just remember how much a serving of common foods are), but it helps to keep me on track. I lost the weight several years ago and have attempted to lose weight after the pregnancy but I just overestimate my food intake and writing it all down gives me the accountability. I can look back at what I ate and how I'm feeling and figure out some stuff about my body too. It takes a little adjustment sometimes.

    Since you have epilepsy, I would make an appointment or at least a phone call with your doctor to make sure the exercise and lowering your food intake won't affect any medication that you might be on. You will probably need to make appointments every few months as you lose weight in case medication needs to be adjusted by how much you weigh.

    You can come join us on the "100 lb club" support board, or there are lots of other groups and boards on here to join and get to know some people! Good luck!
  • Welcome Mere Mortal,

    You've come to the right place. Everyone here is very encouraging and you will find a lot of support here. I can identify with your epilepsy situation, as I believe it has added a lot to my mental strain over the years. It's not often talked about but I do believe that it contributes to depression, whether it's just that or a combination of the Meds I take for it, I'm just not sure. However, I am also a binge eater, and I so relate to your dilemma! Like other posters suggested, I think walking is a good start and carrying hand weights around is an excellent idea! These mini goals are a lot easier to gradually incorporate into your life. Good luck!
  • Thank you all!!!
    Good morning, I hope everyone is well!

    Thank you all for the great tips and support! I've started the Leslie Sansone workout and really like it. It's simply but still works up a sweat and I can even do it while I'm at work, so that's a plus. Now, I just have to work on my eating habits.

    It's all a major change but I'm going to try, just have to take it one day at a time!
  • thats a positive thought One day at a time, for some people the ending number seems like to big of a goal and if they realize the little steps they have taken they will be able to stick with it.
  • One of the things people say often around here that I have found very helpful is this: it is not motivation you need, it is commitment.

    We all have motivation - to look great, feel strong, get our health under control, show up some nasty ex or rival. We can all recite the reasons we want to get trim. But what we need is commitment to make good choices day after day after day even when it's no fun, even when the pounds aren't melting off the way weight-loss commercials and articles promise they will.

    What motivates you to go to work every day, even when you'd rather do something else? What motivates you to sit down and pay your bills, or do laundry? It's knowing that you have to do it, that it is part of being a responsible adult and looking after some aspect of your life that no one else is going to do for you. Take charge of your weight loss the same way. Commit to one day on your plan no matter how difficult it might be. Then commit to one more. Then commit to a week. Then to a month. It gets easier over time.

    The second thing I've learned, the flip side of the above, is that the process is pretty forgiving. It doesn't require perfection; only consistency over the long term. This is especially true when you have a lot to lose. So don't flagellate yourself if you eat off plan sometimes. That is not a reason to give up entirely. Just put it behind you and get right back on plan with the very next eating opportunity.
  • hi!!!
    I'm from Vero!
    anyways I have been reading that a diet in which you reach optimal "ketosis" levels has been shown in scientific research to help with epileptic seizures. AND significant weight loss too.
    Dukan, Atkins. Any low carb/high protien diet as long as you keep the good fats to a minimum.
    Just a thought...