Vacation NSV

  • I visited a friend in Nashville over Memorial Day weekend. As I'm sure many of you are familiar with, vacations tend to be a time of food splurges.

    And what did I CRAVE the entire vacation? Healthy, non-processed food! At every restaurant, I looked for salad/lean protein options because that's what I WANTED, not because I thought I should have it. When I couldn't find those options, I ordered the healthiest thing possible. AND, I never once cleaned my plate at a restaurant. I ate until I was satisfied (not full), and left it at that.

    It's so great to see that my eating habits truly have become a lifestyle change. I still have cravings and binges from time to time, but to go through an entire vacation eating like a thin person was pretty awesome
  • Great place to be! I'm excited for you. It's sooo rewarding when those things we worked hard for start coming in easy. Cherish this experience.
  • Good for you!!!
  • That's awesome!