LO CARB # 46 A New Month a New You

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  • Well girls for once I am able to report success. I ate OP yesterday and worked out at the gym!

    I am still having difficulty getting the water in though.

    How re you SUe and KIna?

    I hope the MIA get a chance to check in.

    You know you lurkers are welcome too.
  • I have been Op for almost 2 weeks now I have not seen the scale (I brought it to work so I could start a weight thing there but I did not get the time but also have been not obsessing about the scales either)

    I know my start weight and will plan on not getting on the scale untill the end of this month when I kick off the sizzzeling summer weight loss for the work.

    I have not exercised yet but have been working like an wild animal so I guess that counts for some thing.

    Pat some day when you have off and so do I let me know and we can meet at the mall.
  • Great idea Sue, I have weekends off and I am not planning a vacation until the end of August 1st of sept.

    Way to go on teh OP thing!!

    I am still OP food wise, hope to get to teh gym at least 1 if not 2 more times this week!!

    The scale is teh enemy, trying to get rid of the water
  • OK now I work every other weekend so I would have to work around that. but soon!!!

    I have not gotton on the scale for the last 2 weeks. I brought it in work when I was trying to do the spring fling but work got the better of me. I am ready now and willing to go for the gold!!!

    Exercise is still in the dreams but closer and closer every day. I have read the book now just to take the hour or tow to get used to the new workout plan and I will be set. i am seriously thinking of getting to the gym early like I used to do in the morning when school gets out as i have to wake the kids up and get them moving!!!
  • Hello girlies! I have missed you guys so.

    Things have been so crazy at work i have not had time to do anything...but school is out now, and that will give me more time to think about me for awhile.

    I also got some news that knocked me for a loop. I was actually pretty angry for awhile, but now am almost excited about it.
    [SIZE=4][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]I AM PREGNANT!!!!

    I should be almost 15 weeks so far. I have not been to the doctor yet, but did have an ultrasound to see how far along I was. I am going to make my appointment today sometime. (SCRTCHING IT ON MY TO DO LIST) I should be due the day after Thanksgiving.

    Last time my doctor did not want me to gain any weight, so I am hoping to keep eating healthy and exercising and working to stay healthy.

    The boys are excited. I just told them the other day. They both want a boy. I am hoping for another girl. Then I will have 2 of each 2 boys, 2 girls. No more after this. I am getting the tubes tied. 4 kids is enough for me.

    Josh seems okay with it. Neither one of us wanted another, so we went through all the other options and decided we just didn't feel comfortable with abortion, and if I am going to carry it to term, i couldn't give it up. So we are preparing to be parents again.

    Thanks to morning sickness i have dropped a few pounds not a whole lot. I am down to 186. I feel good most of the time. I have been doing some yoga to stay stretched out. Walking some too. I am going to work on putting me first. Taking care of myself, and finding a doctor who will make sure I get my epidural!

    Well ladies, it's good to see Sue and Pat are OP once again. I will check in again soon! Hi, Kina!
  • Melody I am so happy to see you, And a very sincere congradulations. I wish you both the best!!

    We keep plugging along here.
    hope you are ablt to keep in touch, way to go on your weight, because I think you are down from before or am I wrong?

    The baby will appreciate your yoga and walking!!
  • Sorry for nto getting back to you. I still am working loads of hours so no time to start my exercise program.

    But I am stipp OP. so some success. I did weigh my self and have lost 6 lbs. a bit dissapointing knowing that this is all water weight and not unusual to loose. but I will not step on the scale for anther 2 weeks. I wish it was FAT!!! I do not feel any thinner so i guess that i do need to find time to do the exercise. But all in all I do feel so much better.

    Well off to work. Love you all and BE GOOD

    Kina where are you???
  • Sue congrats on teh loss!!

    ANother workweek!! ANother opportunity to get and stay OP depending on where you are and I continue to be allover the place.

    Het girls where the heck are you all? Check in !
  • Good Wednesday morning, how is everybody??
    Still in mental choas, talk about a roller coaster ride! Not managing my stress at all, and am so stressed that I can't seem to focus on doing the things that would alleviate the stress.
    My biggest challenge.

    This also sets forth the cycle of not eating right, not working out, feeling guilty and frustrated, not eating right ... etc. WHich is enhanced when I try to find clothes that fit or see myself in the mirror!
    What's a person to do??
    This month Oprah mag is about finding energy, when I read it in short bursts , the short time I am in the BR(quite a picture I paint isn't is?) it seems like it is offering some good suggestions but I have more to read. LOL. well I need to make chnges in some way.

    But enough about me

    How are the rest of you doing?

    You know lurkers we always have room for more, lo carb or not
  • Morning all!!

    Kina where are you???

    Pat I know the feeling just concentrate on one are first. slowly get the control when it all falls it all goes to heck. I know I am still draging my self out of the obyiss. I am still OP and feeling great. finally have control over one are of my life. Ever try those McD's salads?? try the bacon ranch, and have an extra chicken added to it for 1.00 delish!! all OP too!!! filling with roughage too!! one step at a time. slowly baby steps. focus and you will get there do not concentrate on the things you are not doing but those that you are. one step at a time. I do not have much time to read the bathroom is the only time for me too. I feel to guilty to read in there so that does not leave me much time. I have been known to take my cell phone in there when at work do make a short call. now that is bad when i am asked why am I echoing!!!

    Baby steps!!!

    BTW I am going to email Dana today!!
  • no chance to e-mail dana or boo for that metter too busy and have to work night shift so I am out for the nest few days. Hope I can stay OP!!!
  • It is raining...which matches my gloomy mood.

    I walked a mile today...that is good.

    I broke up with Josh today. I just could not continue to take his crap again. He has been going out at night again, lying, and today he disappeared. I left work early to take him to his alcohol and Drug education classes and he wasn't home and his Mom did not know who he left with. I was sick. Then I got mad, and I cried, and then I left him a letter telling him it was over. I could not take it anymore. I am sad, but I am not the crazy, sick, mess I would be if I made him my problem. He is no longer my problem, and that makes it easier.

    Yes Pat I am lighter than before...I weigh about 183 now. I keep losing weight because I can't eat... nausea.

    WEll ladies...keep up the good work, I will check in in a few days!

    Love, Melody
  • Melody I am sorry that you are going thru this, especially now. Take care my friend and know in your heart you tried.

    Thanks Sue for the sound advice. Yes the McD's sald are great didn't know I could get more chix.
    A:right girls I will take baby steps tpday
  • Hey girls. Want to let you know I am alive and here. I am getting focused. trying to get myself together. The McD salads are awesome. That is the only reason I ever go to McD's now...OH yeah occasionally I will get that fruit and yogurt parfait.

    Just wanted to check in. i am down to 182. Which is good. Soon I am sure the numbers will start going back up. Yuck!
  • Big decisons to make for me. check out on low carb

    decisons decisons what to do?

    Melody so glad to see you and I am very sorry that you have had to go though all that again. but you sound different last time you were angry with the wrld but now you seem let down. which i think it may be harder but more final. I really am sorry that you have had this happen and especially for your kid!! hon take care and keep checking in. youa re such a strong person and great parent. be strong and hang in there!!!!