Thinking about lap band

  • I am so considering it but super scared of losing my hair
  • welcome aboard! about the hair. it's usually the result of the hormone changes associated wtih the rapid weight loss. and IT GROWS BACK. i promise. it's temporary. and it's not like you lose ALL your hair - it just becomes thinner - and yes, a few people do get some bald spots occasionally, but again, it grows back.

    hope this helps!

    why have you decided to look into surgery? it's a huge decision - and there's a lot that goes into making it.
  • I was told if you dont eat enough protein you can experience hairloss. Its only temporary. It could be a cause of hormone change too?
  • lol sorry but if that is your main scare then you'll be fine heheh
  • i lost alittle about 3 months post op but kept up with protein amounts and it was fine...nothing in my opinion to be concerned about.