I don't feel like a giant anymore

  • I'm 5'10 and used to be 270. Big and tall. When I'd walk in to a store, I'd feel like all eyes were on me because I was this huge, massive thing. Now at 217.8 (I realize still have a long way to go), I don't feel so massive. I don't feel like the Jolly Green Giant. I don't feel like a woman trapped in the Brawny Man's body. Such a good feeling. Now I walk into places with much more confidence.
  • Wow! You should be very proud of your accomplishments! I know I've struggled with feeling like everyone was staring at me. I live in a town where people are very fit and trim, making me the odd woman out. Anyway, congrats to you on your progress!!!
  • Thanks!
  • That's great fitwayoflife and I totally can relate to you. Back when I was 250+ I felt so tall and wide. Well I love my height, but being wide was a different story. Now I strut in my heels with my head high with loads of confidence!

    Also I went to a concert over the weekend and had a NSV. I properly fit into the chair with a lot of space left over! Before I use to 'spill' off into the sides and I felt like I was blocking the view for whoever was behind me. I felt totally normal for the first time in a very long time! What a terrific feeling!
  • Couldn't agree more. I used to envy shorter people because, even very heavy, they didn't look like they should be starting on your local NFL team. I felt absolutely huge and like I stood out in every crowd.

    Now I feel like that tall slender woman whom I always envied and it's awesome. It's nice when you can feel like you stand out but in a good way.

    Enjoy it!
  • Very excited for you!! I'm so glad to feel like a regular person now, even though I still have a lot of pounds to lose. It's a feeling no one will understand unless you've been there.
  • good 4 you. i know what you mean. I was always enlisted to do the heavy lifting (well that was cuz I could lol)but now at least they consider getting one of the guys to do it. I'm smaller though not small, but I do notice I don't scare as many of my new Physical therapy clients now as i did a couple years ago, and looked like I could twist them into a pretzel. LOL
  • How awesome! I already feel like I "fit in" a little better with 31 pounds gone. Still have a long way to go but like feeling like one of the crowd instead of the huge girl in the crowd!
  • Quote: I'm 5'10 and used to be 270. Big and tall. When I'd walk in to a store, I'd feel like all eyes were on me because I was this huge, massive thing. Now at 217.8 (I realize still have a long way to go), I don't feel so massive. I don't feel like the Jolly Green Giant. I don't feel like a woman trapped in the Brawny Man's body. Such a good feeling. Now I walk into places with much more confidence.
    I know exactly how you feel! Not only that but I am "one of the boys" with some very masculine mannerisms! I felt as out of place and insecure as you (I am also 5'10").
    I went from 239 down to 210 in 3 months and feel much better.
    Congratulations on your weight loss! Hold your head up high
  • That's great! 50+ lbs is such a huge accomplishment. Having that self confidence back is one of the biggest motivators. it shows you CAN and WILL do this!
  • I get this feeling soooo much. I can go through days and days feeling like I look pretty good, and then juxtapose me with someone "normal" height and size and I look like the hulk again!

    You've done amazing!!!