3 weeks till june (practically summer) challege

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  • Ohhhhh I'm loving how many people have joined the challenge!
    I think summer clothes are the BEST (scariest) motivation.

    I just got back from my weigh in meeting and down 3lb from last week. So unexpected so am v v pleased.

    Have had good day today.....obvs still no exercise but am joining the gym in Monday with my mum so we will hold each other accountable.
    How's everyone doing?
  • wtg Size12, congratulations!

    Summer clothes are definitely an inspiration, but I won't let myself buy any yet in the hope that I'll be smaller soon! Weighed in at 144 today, but have a party planned over the weekend so I know there'll be party food. Need to be extra good today!
  • How are you all doing? I've been doing well with food but last night accidentally drank one and a half bottles of wine! Really going to try to exercise today, hopefully after I do it once I will get back into it.
    Hope you're all having a good day
  • Quote: Yes please join metal firecracker (amaze name), the more the merrier! Are you calorie counting?
    So day 3, did well food and water wise. But STILL did not manage to exercise. I think I have been putting off so much I have created a fear around it.
    I bought Tracey Anderson's DVD (the woman who 'made' Gwyneth paltrows body) so there is NO EXCUSE not to do that at home.....tomorrow DEFS.

    How is everyone else doing?
    Weather was weird today but the bit of sun made me very excited and motivated for summer time weight loss and actually being happy/confident wearing my summer wardrobe.
    I am calorie counting-ish, part-time tracking on MFP but mostly just counting vaguely in my head and trying to be reasonable with what I'm eating! I'm at 143.2 now, so numbers are gradually going down! I'd love to be at 126 for when I go on holiday mid-August, but 130ish would be fab!
  • Morning everyone.

    How have you all been?

    I am sticking to my plan, had a good week and still drinking all my water. Fingers crossed scales will be my friend on Tuesday.
    2 weeks today it will be June so we are third way through our challenge.....2 weeks chicks. Let's do it for summer!

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.
  • I'm still at 143, but 12 days to go so need to start getting some exercise in. My main problem is evenings. I have about 500 calories before 6pm and then I eat more at night! Poundland have started doing 'metcalfe's skinny topcorn) which is 115 cals a portion, but come in big bags, the sweet and salt one is delicious and I ate pretty much a whole bag last night :/
  • Weigh in last night and am 2 pounds down.
    Sooooooo happy.
    5 pounds in total since starting this challenge.....so 2 more to lose and 10 days too lose it in.
    Come on chicks. 10 days til June....and till summer clothes (even if the weather stays as shitty I WILL be in summer clothes!)

    Have started reading beck and finding the daily tasks very helpful.
    Am also trying to stick to low GI/gl food. Does anyone else do this diet?
  • Hey girlies, it's the first of June! How have you all done? I weighed in at 141 this morning which I am incredibly pleased with! Definitely a record low here
  • I *almost* did it. 6 pounds off!
    Not quite the 7 for the challenge but weighed in at 132 this morning which is lowest I have EVER been as as adult.......veeeeery happy. Good start to a Sunday.
    And now ha e a lovely day- working this morning, with a family and then meeting v old friend for coffee and shop then gym. Finally started exercising and really not minding it TOO MUCH!
    How did everyone else do?
    Well done leaves, you should be well proud. What's your ultimate goal weight?