SBD Gluten free?

  • I was reading in Prevention magazine about how gluten free living could ail some body issues. I don't really have GI issues but from the "quiz" I might have a gluten sensitivity. I ordered the book but eagerly waiting to get it! Anyone else following it? I've never really done a low carb diet (mainly Simple Diet or WW). I'm going camping next week and plan to start following it after I come back.
  • Hi! I have The South Beach Beach Diet Gluten Free book on order from amazon, and hopefully it will arrive soon.

    I am very gluten intolerant. I could list my symptoms but would probably sound like a hypochondriac. However, when I avoid gluten, I feel just fine.

    So I'm following South Beach gluten-free.
  • I suffer of Crohn's disease, which, as you may know, is a chornic inflammation of digestive tract. Few years back I went on a diet very similar to SBD - I only ate fruits, vegetable, eggs, nuts and yoghurts. It did wonders to my health. And that's also the reason I've now chosen to follow SBD, to both help my health, and lose some weight. Done properly, it's an awesome, super healthy way of eating, and it's sustainable for life.

    I'm still on phase 1,5 (fruits, no grains) and I plan to stay on it for a long, long time. But that's just me, with my condition.
  • Ronja, it's great that you found such relief for your condition. I'll never eat gluten (knowingly) again. I can always tell when I've had hidden gluten, like in a restaurant...the symptoms come back. I received The South Beach Gluten Solution, and it's an eye opener. Now I really know how to order in a restaurant and what hidden gluten I need to know about. It's a great book!
  • I just finished reading the book but I'm still at a loss on crafting a do-able food plan for me. Why is there a focus on veggie juice for breakfasts? Would it help me understand phase 1 if I read the other South Beach book supercharged? Would some paleo recipes work well into SBD? I've found some really quick ones while googling for wheat free recipes. Got any good phase 1 recipes?
  • The Veggie juice is just a way to get a serving of vegetables with breakfast.
  • Thanks, Quilter. I was about to mention that. I usually get my breakfast veggies in a smoothie or an omelet.
    Got any good phase 1 recipes?
    Check out our large Recipe Section. Lots of info there and the extra-good ones are usually made into a sticky and starred.
  • I will be starting South Beach on Saturday and am gluten free due to Celiac. Not following the "gluten solution" plan as I already know how to eat gluten free.

    Anybody else just doing SB and not the gluten solution? How goes it for you?

    I'm addicted to carbs and sugar, so this should be interesting.
  • I also am celiac.
    Looking to get back on track with SBD.
  • I too am celiac or NCGI, my GI doc has given up figuring out which -- and the treatment is the same...

    I bought the South Beach gluten solution book, but it doesn't do much for me since I can't add gluten back in ever (and I have a bunch of other SB books). And also, I am very used to avoiding gluten so it wasn't new to me. I like it for the Phase 2 menu plans I don't have to edit.

    But it's great to see other celiac/GFers here!!!
  • I've been gluten free for over 15 years. I found Phase 1 of SBD to be a breeze in the gluten free department. Most everything on the "allowed" list is naturally gluten free.