May 2013 Daily Challenge to Stay "On Plan" - Everyone is Welcome to Join

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  • Hoopty - hang in there! I hope everything is okay. Hugs!

    Kaitie - the school year is almost over!

    GettinFit - congrats on getting back into the groove.

    Bonnie - congrats on OP day.

    June - way to go on your loss! Running shoes are a great reward.

    OP so far today and even planned ahead by bringing egg salad and an apple with peanut butter to work so I had healthy, low-carb things to eat. To fail to plan is to plan to fail, so it's great when I can get my act together and plan ahead with bringing food to work.

    I'm getting caught up here and trying to keep a positive attitude even though I am fighting a bit of a headache. Planning to go do a yoga class tonight which should be good both for my mood as well as for a workout.

    I had a massage yesterday (wonderful!) and my massage therapist (who hadn't seen me in six weeks) said "you look like you've dropped some weight." Well, yes, thank you for noticing.
  • Wonderful Wednesday!
    Hoopty- I hope you are ok!!!

    I hope all the struggles everyone is having are getting easier!! Best wishes to all!!

    I have been wonderfully OP all day and just had a new recipe from the MRC cookbook called Cabbage dinner! It made 2 portions so double score! Yum!

    I GOT THE NEW JOB TODAY!!!! Woo-Hoo!!!! So my last shift at the old place is tomorrow night and I start the new place on Monday!!!

    I'm going to do espaņol homework and relax with my family!! Have a great night/day tomorrow!!

  • OP today!

    Hoopty- hope you are ok!!!

    Junebug - congrats on the new job!
  • Good evening everyone,

    Junebug - Congrats on the new job!!!

    Hoopty - I hope everything is okay with you.

    Kaitie - Don't let the get you down. Hang in there and it will go in the right direction.

    Cecilia - I hope the headache went away and congrats on your compliments on your weight loss.

    I hope everyone else has had a good day.

    My day was good. I stayed OP and I did a Turbo Jam workout after work. I went to my WW meeting today and I lost 2 pounds for the week. I was pleased with the loss and now I have 3 more to go before I'm back to where I was. I so want to get to onederland,

    Have a great evening ladies.
  • Girls, you are awesome!

    DH and I found out that the landlord is kicking us out on May 31st. Mind you - he doesn't know that we live here, we're not on the lease. We're living with DH's Dad so technically HE'S getting kicked out which doesn't change the fact that we have to leave as well.
    We don't have any friends or family where we could stay and we certainly don't have enough money to rent out our own place. There are a few things I need to pay off here in the US so money is really, really tight. Our only option would be to go back to Germany. You can only imagine how stressful everything is on top of the fact that DH would rather stay here. It's horrible. I'm not hungry, I don't know how to feel, I wanna cry but I can't. I ate a lot of junk food. Yesterday for example I didn't eat anything until the evening when I had a whole pint of Häagen-Dasz ice cream and a Milky-Way bar. The day before I had a whole Entenmann's loaf cake plus ice cream plus chocolate. No exercise. I'm not thinking about the calories at the moment. My mind is RACING. I haven't slept at all. I've been trying to find the cheapest tickets online.

    So then today the landlord came over again and left a letter. It was the official eviction notice and to our surprise we got an extra week to pack our stuff. We have to be outta here on June 7th by 8pm. It gives us extra time to figure things out and get things done.
    Right now at this very moment, DH and his Dad are looking at an apartment right around the corner. I'm not too fond of the idea to move in there because again - money is tight and I have to pay this stupid thing off!
    So, right now I don't know whether we're moving back to Germany in a week or whether we're staying at that apartment, it would be the last resort.

    I'm glad to hear that all of you have been OP! I can't believe May is almost over already.

    Big hugs!
  • Grr. I am not a happy camper. Not at all.

    1. I woke up and thought it was Saturday.
    2. The bleepin' scale was up even higher than yesterday--wtheck! I was op yesterday and I completely resisted the urge for a dairy queen blizzard. wtheck.
    3. The cafeteria lady can go and jump in a lake. She screams my name across the cafeteria, I ignore her. I'm not answering you when you scream my name. She was mad that some of my kids (seriously, 3 of them) were practicing their recorders. Really? I could see if they were misbehaving and making noise, but they were working--during lunch, their own time. They were so interested in improving themselves that they sat there and practiced--she got mad, yelled at them and then told the principal that the kids were making noise. Stupid bleep. You got a problem, you talk to the source. Freaking jerk.
    4. Nothing else, just still mad and want to complain.

    OP for the day but that doesn't seem to matter anymore. Did 2 hours of gardening and 35 minutes of wfp.
  • I am down .6 lb, at 197.6 which is the first time I have seen scale movement in a week and hopefully means I am getting back into the rhythm of weight loss after my nine day trip. Not a big loss, but significant because it pushes me into the 20+ pounds gone camp. Still fighting this niggling headache (when I get migraines, they last for three days...but this one has not been as severe as some in the past and today is day three) so haven't been able to work out but eating has been OP.

    Kaitie - I hear your frustrations. Try not to let the scale stuckness get to you...with all your exercise I bet you are changing your body composition and burning fat while building muscle, which the scale won't reflect. Hang in there! It's Friday! Way to go on resisting the DQ blizzard - I always get sugar-sick when I eat those, but that doesn't keep me from wanting one on occasion...

    GettinFit - congrats on your 2 pound loss! Keep it up and you will be in onderland soon!

    June - congrats on job! Yay!

    Bonnie - congrats on OP day!

    Hoopty - wow! Take a deep breath. It sounds like you are under a lot of stress with this situation. I hope you are able to get some sleep and do some physical self care (take a bath, do some exercise you find relaxing or energizing, eat something nourishes you, whatever makes you feel good) rough as the situation is, it's only going to be harder to deal with if you're not taking care of yourself physically. It's so hard when there is so much in life that we can't control, and all we can do is the best we can with what we are able to control. I am sending positive vibes and prayers for you and DH that a way is made clear in terms of your living situation. Hugs!
  • Last Day of May!!!
    OP today and have been so clumsy! I knocked over my salad and wasted it all in my lap! Oh well!

    Lost 0.5 pounds since Monday!! So I am 1 pound away from my 30 pound goal!!!! Yay!! Crossing my fingers I lose it by Mondays weigh in!!!

    I hope all of the troubles get easier for everyone! No time to reply individually! Have a great weekend!!
  • Hello ladies,

    Hoopty - I'm so sorry to hear about your having to move. I'm glad you have another week to prepare. I can imagine how hard it is to control your eating at a time like this. I sure hope everything works out for you and your family.

    Cecilia - Congrats on your loss. I'll be so glad when I see a 1 instead of a 2 on the scale. Keep up the good work.

    Kaitie9399 - Just keep up the good work and the scale will go down. Hang in there.

    I've had another good day. It sure feels good to be back to eating right. Since I've been in the new job, I've not been drinking nearly enough water and I do believe it is slowing down my weight loss. Next month I am going to work harder at downing my water.

    I can't believe tomorrow is June already!!! Where did May go? I'll start the next thread tonight. This time I think I'll make it for more than 1 month at a time.

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone
  • Hallelujah May is done.
  • Hello girls,

    Nothing new to report. We still don't know what's gonna happen yet but I hope we'll find out tomorrow. I told DH that we have to know by June 2nd because we'd have to book the flight!
    I only had about 650 calories yesterday though it was all healthy food. Today I binged on Pop Tarts, I had the whole friggin box! However, I got some good cardio in and didn't really eat anything else so my total calories came out to ~1650.
    These past 3 days, except for yesterday, I've eaten a lot of junk food. I felt SO full from the Pop Tarts today that I almost puked. However, I weighed myself after my workout at the gym and to my surprise I was only up to 142.2 lbs! I felt kinda relieved...

    SuperCecilia - Thank you so much for your kind words, I really truly appreciate it! I am trying to get back on track, going to the gym today really helped me realize that I need to take care of myself physically. Congrats on the loss! (A loss is a loss to me, no matter if it's "only" 0.6 lbs!) You're moving more and more away from the 200 mark which is awesome!

    junebug37 - Crossing my fingers with you! 30 lbs is an amazing achievement, keep up the good work!

    GettinFit - Thank you so much! All I can do is try my hardest to figure this situation out. No matter what happens - I am very determined to make the best of it! Looking forward to the June-thread, will definitely join again.

    Kaitie9399 - Agreed!

    On to a healthy and successful June!
  • Happy June, everyone! During the month of May I went from 203 to 197.6. A 5.4 pound loss. And two milestones of getting under 200 and the 20 pounds lost mark. It averages out to just over a pound a week, which is a very reasonable rate of loss that I am content with. I think I got spoiled in April when I lost almost 10 pounds in a month, but I know I can't expect that every month. I'm also pleased with my loss in inches, fitting into size 10 jeans, and managing to not go off the rails with a 9 day trip. I intend for the month of June to take me further down into the 190s. I am thrilled my headache is gone so I was able to go take a yoga class this morning that was pretty vigorous and sweaty. Today I've been cooking lots of healthy low-carb food for the upcoming week - black bean salad, lentil salad, mashed cauliflower, hummus. I love having a fridge stocked with healthy, low-carb grab and go food.
  • Hoopty - I hope that your gym workout helped you to feel a little calmer and less overwhelmed. It's always good when we can put those endorphins to work for us when facing a tough situation!

    June - sounds like you took the phrase "tossed salad" literally! (sorry, bad joke, I couldn't resist). Congrats on your loss! How exciting to be close to 30 pounds gone.

    GettinFit - thanks for getting us started every month with the thread.
  • in May had 20 fullt OP days and lost 5.8 pounds!
  • Good Evening Everyone!

    Well, we sent out close to 20 resumes last week and today we noticed a HUGE mistake on every single one of them. Bye bye 20 prospective jobs. I knew I shouldn't have just let him do it and trust that he'd do it right. I spent hours revamping his messed up resume. Seriously, what they heck is wrong that you wouldn't look over the resume and why didn't I check. Some of those prospective jobs were golden opportunities man---and they are gone. I feel like resending all of them with a note that says 'hey, we messed up the first one, here's a better one'. Dag.

    OP for the day and did 120 minutes of wfp.

    Frustrating. Frustrating.