My first, I hope, of many posts

  • OK. I am - 47. Married, children, sahm/homeschooler.
    I have enough time to take care of myself...but I find I do not do a good job of that.
    This is the fifth time I have tried to lose weight in the past 20 years or so. I tried low-fat, low-carb twice and. most recently, WW. Each time I have gotten close (once I even made it past!!!) 200 pounds and then...I just couldn't/didn't keep it up and I gained it back, gradually. The first two times I gained extra, but the last three times I just stopped here at around 250.

    My goal right now is 199...because I am thinking in terms of 10% at a time. First I want to lose 25, then 22, which will bring me to 199. If I keep it up, I would like to get down to 146 (three more 10%s of 20, 17 and 16), which would mean an entire 100 POUNDS!

    But - I am too scared to think that way yet. And getting down to 199 would be a great thing in and of itself.

    While my sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides are good, my BP is slightly elevated and my arthritis is getting worse. So I do have some specific physical issues I want to improve.

    My plan. Well....the only way I felt comfortable about trying again is to be very realistic with myself. So, I have slightly modified the "No S diet" - adding no starches (so I can stick with low-carb, which is what I felt best doing before), removing no snacks (I want to be able to have nuts, cheese, a little fruit) and keeping the "No sugar or seconds". Knowing that I can be a little freer on the weekend, or at a birthday party, makes me feel like I can stick to this.

    I am also exercising. First, a whole body workout with handweights 3 mornings a week - I have been doing this for three weeks and it feels really good. Today I moved up from two-pound weights to three pounders I am also walking more in two ways. First, I bought a pedometer, learned that I can easily walk only 2,000 steps on an average day, and have been doing what I can o bump it up to 4-5,000 steps instead. Next, I have been going for longer walks 3-4 times a week. I don't drive and my neighborhood is very walkable, so I am walking for 20m or so before I catch the bus to wherever I am heading. I am also purposely buying a little less so I have to go out to pick up fresh veg more often - the walk to the supermarket, around the store, and back is about 2 miles, so I am trying to do that at least twice a week.

    Well - that was a lot. I do not know if being part of a forum like this will help, but I am willing to give it my best shot!

    Oh, one more thing. I no longer own a scale and I am not planning to get one (I have one daughter with some issues and her dr. recommended not having a scale) so I will only be weighing myself at the drs office. Not ideal is what it is. So I took some measurements and I will measure myself once a month.

    Thanks for reading.
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!!

  • Sounds like you have thought a lot about this and have made a plan.

    Weight loss can be so overwhelming so your 10 % outlook is great.

    Read through the threads, jump in where you feel comfortable. There are so many people that will listen when you are frustrated, cheer you on when you reach a mini goal, and support you along the way.

    I look forward to reading about your progress.
  • Welcome, sparks17!

    Quote: This is the fifth time I have tried to lose weight in the past 20 years or so. I tried low-fat, low-carb twice and. most recently, WW. Each time I have gotten close (once I even made it past!!!) 200 pounds and then...I just couldn't/didn't keep it up and I gained it back, gradually. The first two times I gained extra, but the last three times I just stopped here at around 250.
    I don't think it will come as any surprise to you that your story is not unique. After you spend some time on this forum you'll see that many people have had the same history with dieting that you have had. Myself included.

    Oh, one more thing. I no longer own a scale and I am not planning to get one (I have one daughter with some issues and her dr. recommended not having a scale) so I will only be weighing myself at the drs office. Not ideal is what it is. So I took some measurements and I will measure myself once a month.
    Not owning a scale will in all likelihood help, not hinder, your weight loss. There are lots of ways to make sure you're staying on track. Use your measurements and/or how your clothes fit as a way to monitor your progress.

    I see so many people here and elsewhere get so hung up on a number that can fluctuate wildly and isn't always a good measure of progress. If your daughter's doctor recommended that she not have a scale you have to assume there's a very good reason for that. So look upon the absence of a scale as a positive rather than a negative.

    Good luck!