Anyone try Kyle Leon's Customized Fat Loss?

  • Has anyone tried this ?
    Wondering if it's one of those "Too good to be true" scams..

    Would like to hear any feed back.
  • I dislike ebook gimmicks This ebook is supposedly a $698 value for only $47. 75% of that goes to affiliates, so they are $11.75. The site is filled with sales pitches, but the info about the diet plan is very vague. The site claims the plan is doctor endorsed, but I could only find a partial name for the doctor. IMO, the before/after photos look questionable Some of the claims seem wacky to me.

    In my opinion, if you want to follow a structured diet and not do your own thing, then it's better to choose a diet plan with a solid reputation. Weight Watchers and the South Beach Diet are two of the best. Most libraries have the SBD book, and it's also inexpensive to purchase. You can browse the plan before spending a dime and make sure it works for you. Spend some time in a book store browsing the latest diet books. It''s always better to see what you are getting up front.

    Good luck
  • Thanks ... I was thinking it was quite vague.. I have done SBD before, & it worked.. Will most likely do a modified SBD... (I don't eat dairy, sugar or artificial sweeteners... or anything processed, if I can help it)