What Keeps You Going?

  • Yesterday, I started digging through my box of "skinny" clothes...they are size 12's (that are from new york and co, which are not a 'true' size 12, though the actual size does not matter) that I wore about 5 years ago when I was at 166 lbs...I was finding that I could squeeze into some of them (but can't wear them yet because they will give me muffin tops and maybe even rip at a seam..ha). However, the thought that I am close to fitting back into those cute clothes I wore when I felt my best really motivated me to aim for this week to be better than last and continue my C25k program. I was wondering where everyone else reaches for motivation when it is running low. Motivators for me:

    -Going "shopping' in my closet and seeing how close I am into fitting into old clothes
    -Looking at my blood test results that clued me in to the fact that I needed to lose weight..my glucose and cholesterol were still normal, but my triglycerides and blood pressure were borderline high....imagining how each pound I lose...each BMI point I go down...I may also be lowering those numbers
    - Measuring my body for losses of inches because sometimes the scale does not tell the whole story
    - Doing yoga and realizing I can do some of those moves that I was struggling with before because my stomach had been in the way or my upper back had been sore from the weight of my chest
    -People noticing my weight loss (even though it makes me feel shy to go places now where people might notice.....does anyone feel a little awkward, maybe embarrassed, once the news is out that you are losing)
    -I recently got the same haircut as I did back in December..I always take a pic after I get a cut... I compared the pictures, and man, my face looks different! It is motivating to continue to find my facial features, as they are supposed to look - under the chubbiness..

    I realize those are all based on success...are there other sources of motivation people reach for during times when the scale is not cooperating?
  • I have several health problems that are not caused by my weight but are definitely affected by it: asthma, PCOS, and I injured my back at work at the end of last July and have been going through treatment for it since. The main difference I've seen so far is that more I lose / the more I work out, the more I notice my asthma is better as long as I avoid my triggers. I'm trying to get my weight down to TTC in about 2 years and I know I have a better shot if I'm in shape and maybe my PCOS will behave itself.

    My biggest motivator, though, I think is Pinterest. LOL. I have 165 motivation pins. If I'm having a hard time with eating or with getting my butt to the gym, I just think of some of those pins: "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always had" or "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."

    Everyone swears that I look so different but I don't see anything different about myself so it's not a good motivator. But it does make me uncomfortable for them to bring it up, too.
  • My motivation is:

    The way I felt at my lowest on WW. I was able to walk 3.5 miles, I was starting to run/doing C25K, fitting into cute clothes, hiking without needed to stop and more.

    Knowing my leg (Past DVT, swelling and chronic clot) will improve as I lose weight and start moving more.

    Lowering my cholesterol, reducing my chances for diabetes and heart disease.

    I'm sure there are more, but I'm having a hard time thinking/focusing right now! I will come back to edit as I think of more.

    A 5K trail run I'd like to train to be in for 2015. I am still in recovery phases and I can't even walk a mile yet, so I need to give myself time to heal.
  • My motivation was getting healthy so I can do want ever I want to with my kids. And to be fit enough to do whatever I set my mind to train for.

    Also, shopping for smaller sizes feels really good. And it is so nice to be smaller then when we got married. Find a great outfit and work to fit into it!!
  • Similar to you Straightahead...slowly seeing clothes fitting better. There is one dress that is now buttoning, I'm still busting out of it but its actually buttoning, lol. My annual physical looks good and I want to keep it that way (strong family history of blood pressure and stroke).
  • 3FC.
    Getting even with the scale.
    My face.
    Occassional compliments.
    In that order.
  • Reading other peoples success stories has been a huge inspiration for me. Although I hardly ever post on here, I come on here every day and read other peoples journeys and this never fails to keep me going.

    Seeing how proud my family are of me and my new found energy are nothing to be sneezed at either
  • My success thus far is what motivates me most, it can be done! I want my husband to have a sexy wife lol and I want to be healthy for my children (and myself of course.) -in no particular order
  • A photo taken of me a couple if months ago ((shivers))
  • My motivation
    Hi, my motivation so far has been wanting my mobility back. My back and hips start hurting and I get out of breath walking very short distances. I used to be able to walk several miles pretty easily. I also want to be there for my son and provide for him in the ways he needs. He needs me to be there for him and at this weight and physical fitness level I can't be. I also want to have more children and that is not possible for me at this weight because my period is all out of wack and sex is difficult.