Running, training and mentrual cycle

  • (this is obviously a thread where I would like tons of men's inputs and opinons)

    Okay, okay, kidding.

    More seriously, I'd like to have opinions, inputs and experience from fellow chicks on mentrual cycle and training.

    I consider that I train a lot (minimum of 4 runs a week + one gym training/lifting session) and since I started training in a more intense way (first halfmarathon of the season in a few months), my menstrual cycle is CRAYCRAYYYZY.

    I red a bit about it online, it is said to be normal to observe a delay between period in athletes, for example. But last month, my cycle lasted 30-31 day and I am on my 33th day of cycle today and no signe of TOM yet whatsoever.

    I'm not taking the pill, which add a tiny bit more nervous feeling to the situation :P but I've been wondering ; anybody has experience with this? How bad can a cycle be messed up?
  • When I add stress to my body in any way, shape or form my period can disappear for several months...It could be totally absent (no blood) to just a spot or two, and then come back with a vengeance...Stress for me includes mental, emotional and physical stress...including but not limited to work stress, family drama, issues with DH, increased workouts, limiting calories and many more things
  • Thank you very much for your input, alaskanlaughter! Really appreciated!

    Although you scared me to death with the ''coming back with a vengeance part''
  • Are you getting enough food for your training schedule? Have you had blood work done to check for low iron?
  • Quote: Are you getting enough food for your training schedule? Have you had blood work done to check for low iron?
    Hmmm good question. I sure wanted to lose a few more pounds, so I was eating at a calorie deficit most of the day lately, but I always made sure to eat more on the long run days. Althought I feel I am eating more, I still might not be eating enough.

    Thank you for the suggestion of the blood work, I'll check if I can have this done!!
  • Usually when I am not taking care of myself I have a heavier flow then when I am working out and eating right. When I have a heavier flow my period last up to a week when I am working on my fitness and health is is about three to four days
  • I run way less than you and have a higher BMI but for what it's worth my cycles have never been perfectly regular, and they continue to be irregular now.

    I'm sure that was helpful!