Hi ladies, I'm new here!

  • Hello everyone! I just started a exercise routine with my cousin this past week and have been in search of a support group. I need a lot of it! Lol i will be 22 in May and am 4'11" 117lbs. I dont weigh much but i have a big belly and love handles that are very unattractive. Since I've had my son in 2008 my belly has no definition at all nor does the rest of my body. I would like to drop a few pounds not many and tone my muscles. My main thing is I want to feel good about myself again and look good in my bikini. Lol we currently walk between 3-4 miles 5 days a week and are trying to incorporate toning workouts also. I have a hard time fitting them in. I always feel I'm too'busy'. I would love love love to hear any advice also!
    Happy losing!
    - brit
  • Welcome! I wonder if you can mix your walking with some toning moves to get both in...like take light hand weights and do things like bicep curls, stop every few minutes to do some squats, end every walk with some ab exercises, etc. Once you learn a bunch of toning moves, you can do them at any time (like whenever you have an extra 5 minutes, throw in some exercises). That's just my idea if you have trouble finding a longer chunk of time for toning, since you sound like toning is more of what you need for your bikini body. I think maybe the featherweight board might be good for you!

  • Hi there!!
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!