I am a new fat chick :-)

  • Hello everybody, I am almost 40 years old and originally from Germany. I moved to the U.S in 2006 and ever since my weight would go up and up. Before I moved over here I lost 50 lbs with the Weight Watcher's program and unfortunately gained it all back.
    My biggest problem is when I come home from work and I start to snack as soon as I sit down and relax. I am not hungry but I snack here and there, mostly sweets. I also don't drink enough throughout the day.
    I need to break this habit!! I am doing the online WW program again and I lost approx. 13 lbs since January. But as soon as I hit that plateau I cannot stay focused and start cheating on myself.
    I hope I find some help and support on that forum to break that and get me back on track.
  • Welcome! And glad you got your driving licence. That's fun for a non-American isn't it?

    This is a great place for support.

  • I used to hit those times where I'd lose a few kgs and then go back to my old foods. I think maybe many of us have. The good news is that you are noticing you are doing it and want to change. We all have bad days (I had a bad month last month and a bad night tonight) but that is to be expected. No one is perfect. The next time you feel a binge coming, remember your goal and ask yourself if it is worth putting the weight back on, especially if it took a week or more to lose it!

    The journey you are starting is a lifestyle change and it is going to take time to get to your ideal weight. It takes practice to control the need to binge and you will get better at saying no when each occasion arises. As long as you stick with it and you don't punish yourself for a bad day-or give up-you will achieve what you are setting out to do

  • Welcome!
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!
  • welcome