Strong emotions while on IP

  • I have mentioned this before on threads, but I am really struggling with "feelings" of anger, annoyance and being cranky. Not my usual self.

    I can contain it but I have not FELT this pissed/impatient/annoyed before. The only thing I can think of is I am beginning to feel my emotions and cannot (choose not to) eat them or medicate with alcohol.

    Anyone else? Coping strategies. I do a consistent yoga practice so I have time to chill but it is deeper inside.
  • It is due to the rapid weight loss. Estrogen is stored I your fat cells and when you are burning fat it gets released into your system.

    Just knowing what was causing me to be so emotional helped me cope.
  • I can relate! Amazing how everyone got so d@mned irritating, isn't it? LOL
  • I just had one of those emotional days today! I was happy one minute, completely overwhelmed and crying the next minute and then so mad the next. My body is changing and I know that, but it is what you said...we aren't eating our emotions, we have to deal with them in other ways and doing that takes practice.
  • I got severely depressed and cranky now twice trying to follow IP. It did not go away as long as I folowed the diet. What I had to do in the end was increase carbs. I am not sure whether the low carbs depressed my thyroid levels or whether it was due to changes in sex hormones. It was just not something I could live with.
  • I knew putting it out there would generate great responses. I like how the science of rapid fat loss does impacts emotions....estrogen, I can see the connection.

    Yes, agreed, amazing how annoying everyone is lately! LOL
  • In the first 3 weeks my mood swings were all over the place, I dint even know I was been nasty until a friend mentioned that since I went on IP am so cranky and over react to small things that shouldn't bother me. Am trying to be more conscious now when am about to fly off the handle (easier said than done).
  • Yep...describes me to a T. I have begun to warn people that I am crabby because of IP, so they do not take it personally.
  • I havent noticed the anger. But I have definitely noticed the ANXIETY and irritation increase with this diet.
  • I am cranky often too. Usually evenings are worse. Not sure if I hold it in all day at work or what. I am always tired too. I have been going to bed an
    hour or two before I use to.
  • Quote: I am cranky often too. Usually evenings are worse. Not sure if I hold it in all day at work or what. I am always tired too. I have been going to bed an
    hour or two before I use to.
    That too! I go to bed a good 2-4 hours before I used to! I know it's the reduced calories!
  • I am totally the same! Especially while I'm getting dinner ready.
  • The estrogen thing was a big shocker to me. I had bean in peri-menopause since July, no TOM. Then, one week into IP, I get a period!!! Man was I surprised (and unimpressed). I thought it was over for me, but I see that IP is riding my body of stored fat, so I'll take it. Moody, lol??? Daily PMS for me! Getting more sleep, long baths and just don't take myself too seriously. It's temporary, like a reverse pregnancy, lol!!!