April Weight Loss Challenge

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  • Congrats on hitting 147, om!
  • OM- Thank you for your suggestions.. I have been thinking that I should go to the gym and just do some of the resistance training. It is hard to not have a steady routine.. I hurt my ankle running on the rotating stairs and something happened.. It has been weeks of pain and I finally got it checked out. Blah!
    Congrats on your 20lb bench mark! Thats huge!

    I seem to be stuck.. I am going to up my protein this week and try and limit my carbs and sugar. Hopefully this will help!
  • Thanks RVA and Fe! Good luck this week!!
  • I didn't get to my goal weight last time here I go again!(=

    SW: 186.4
    CW: 186.4
    GW: 175
  • Late to game...
    Hi! I'm new to this forum and wold like to join in with this challenge. I would like to lose 10 lbs this month. I'm starting off at 185. Good luck everyone!
  • sw: 169.5
    cw: 167
    gw: 164
  • One week in and I'm down 1.8 pounds. I've been fluctuating up and down for two weeks now, so this might go back up.

    SW: 215.6
    CW: 213.8
    GW: 205.6
  • I've been struggling with whether or not to check-in with my weight today, but have decided not to. It's my wedding week (Saturday - gulp!), and I'm thinking that I won't see the number that I want to see, which could just send me into a tailspin of unnecessary panic. So, yeah.

    As for the rest of y'all, I am impressed with all of the effort that everyone's putting into their goals, and hope you keep it up! It pays off. Good work!
  • Congrats RVA!! Have a great week leading up to your wedding! I hope you have a great week and wedding!!
  • Do you ever feel like the scale is stuck?
    I just can't seem to lose.... What is wrong with me?
  • Thanks, gracie!

    Fe2493 - Yes. Yes, sometimes the scale is "stuck" for me. I try not to worry too much about it (the whole "keep calm and carry on" thing). Also, I use measuring tape to check my other numbers. Usually that makes me feel better!
  • Congrats RVA! You are making the right choice - you have more important things going on this week, and it's going to fly by. Make sure you take the time to ENJOY yourself!
  • Best wishes, RVAscreenwriter! Definitely a week to do whatever feels like the best self-care for you.
  • Welcome, FitGirlJ, gracie1887, muddpies, and Soulgirl24!

    Crow: 5.5 lbs
    immaculate: 10 lbs
    ajlee: 5.8 lbs
    dcapulet: 7.9 lbs
    Teacher2B: 5 kgs
    RVAscreenwriter: 6 lbs
    Sally_Pineapple: 10 lbs
    JazzyPeggy: 7.6 lbs
    Pink_Hurricane: 7 lbs
    kandd416: 2.8 lbs
    Campana: 8 lbs
    immaculate: 10 lbs
    bethann1970: 8 lbs
    om_namah_shivaya: 8 lbs
    Hol_berry: 10 lbs
    Kaitie9399: 7.8 lbs
    loganandlivsmom: 6 lbs
    gardenerjoy: 3 lbs
    SuperHeroTeacher: 10 lbs
    Last10: 9-10 lbs
    ayclobes: 10 lbs
    Gonna_Get_There_Soon: 7 lbs
    bg124: 6 lbs
    Sum38: 4.4 lbs
    Fe2493: 8 lbs
    Changergirl: 5.3 lbs
    FitGirlJ: 5 lbs
    gracie1887: 5.8 lbs
    muddpies: 11.4 lbs
    Soulgirl24: 10 lbs
  • Fe2493: The scale got stuck for me about every 20 pounds or so on the way down. Since I'm easily bored, I often used that as an excuse to learn about and try a new plan. But I also think that my body needed the resting points.