Fat Bride

  • Hello everyone, I'm new here and looking for support. I've been a bigger girl all my life. I'm 5 ft even and small framed. I met the love of my life in January 2012 and getting married December 2013. He doesn't have a problem with my weight. But I do! I tried on wedding dresses and came home and cried because I felt horrible trying them on. This is suppose that to be the happiest time of my life and yet I'm not so happy. I started out weighing 240lbs (omg makes me cringe saying that) and have lost 30 pounds so far, so now at 210lbs. I still have a long way to go to get to my goal weight which is 140-150lbs. I've hit a bump in my journey and have stopped losing weight. Can someone please give me some advice and help me?? I'm not on a certain diet but watching calorie intake and working out.
  • Switching things up usually helps people who have stalled. Trying rotating calorie intakes or new work outs. If you usually do 40 minutes on the treadmill, you could try biking or Zumba, or do HIIT on the treadmill. Things like that usually get things moving again for people.
  • Congrats on your weight loss so far! Do you take measurements? If not, I suggest it as a "plan B" when the scale doesn't move as fast as we'd like. Keep at it and keep your goal in mind.

    Congratulations on your engagement, too!!!
  • Welcome and congrats on your upcoming wedding! Also congrats on your 30 lb loss so far. My advice is just keep working! Don't give up
    I calorie count and work out a few times a week. I don't eat the same amount of calories every day I just keep it under 1700 for myself. One day I may only eat 1200 another 1500 and another 1700 I like to think it keeps my body guessing lol
  • Hello there! I'm 5'3" and my starting weight was 245 but I have lost 45lbs since first coming to 3FC. You can do this! I chose the route of medi weight loss clinics. It's been amazing and has taught me a lot about myself and nutrition!
  • to 3FC and good luck
  • Hi! Welcome. I am sure that you will be able to get some great advice and support that will give you the momentum that you are looking for. Since joining 3FatChicks, I've lost 30 pounds! It's taken me about a year (I got stalled for personal reasons), but if I could do it, so can you.
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!!