Seeking inspiration

  • I've never been thin.
    I remember weighing 80kg at age 11...
    I'm currently at 135kg, trying to get to 70kg (ironically, at 70kg, I'm still overweight according to BMI )
    I'm not even sure if I'm being realistic... I'd like to think that I can do it, but "I'd like to go back to what I was at age 9" sounds absurd in my head...

    I'd like ideas on how to make this journey of losing 65kg more manageable?
  • I was fat my WHOLE life, too. At 5'1" I weighed 202 my senior year of high school. At 38 I began my journey have lost 228 pounds. You can do this.

    Don't worry about how much you have to lose. Eat less, move more, that's how I started. The weight will take care of itself if you are doing that!

  • Welcome Silvechi!

    Cherry Pie had some excellent advice!! One day at a time is all it takes, lower your calories and get in some exercise. I know it sounds too simple to be true but it worked for me. All the fancy dieting and tricks I tried resulted in either no results or me gaining more weight, yikes!

    Joining 3FC is the best first step you could have taken, this site has changed my life. I love the posts in the 100lb club (the same place you posted this) and I also like following the posts for my current weight club. Moving from the 300s down was so inspiring to me, I couldn't wait to get to the next group (and I still can't!).

    Setting mini-goals helps me too. I was overwhelmed when I started to think I had over 100lbs to lose. But somehow losing 20lbs didn't seem so bad. And so far, I have done 20lbs almost 6 times!

    I wish you lots of luck, I hope you post here often. It's a great place to be.
  • Silvechi - you can do it!

    Elvislover is right - lowering calories, burning more calories, and I would add drinking lots more water will slow down weight gain and once you hit the right balance will reverse it so it becomes weight loss.

    This board is so inspirational - we all have our battles, successes and failures so whatever you are facing someone here, if not most people here, will understand.

    You didn't put the weight on overnight and it won't come off overnight but slow and steady and in a few weeks you will feel better and start losing.

    You can start small too. Try changing one thing - like cut out sugary drinks, increase water intake, start tracking calories, whatever. After you do that for awhile you can add something else. Small steps towards better health and before you know it you'll have a cute little ticker that starts moving!
  • Mini Goals are a good start
    Quote: I'm currently at 135kg, trying to get to 70kg (ironically, at 70kg, I'm still overweight according to BMI ) Hey - remember that the BMI doesn't know if it is weighing fat, muscle or water weight. It is quite imperfect.
    I'm not even sure if I'm being realistic... I'd like to think that I can do it, but "I'd like to go back to what I was at age 9" sounds absurd in my head... I don't know how tall you are but weighing in the 150 pound range doesn't sound unrealistic!

    I'd like ideas on how to make this journey of losing 65kg more manageable? MINI GOALS are a great motivational help. I like to move through the threads for people in the 290s, 280s, 270s, etc. I'm in the 240s thread now and looking forward to the 230s soon.
    It's funny that I didn't even notice the "kg" in your weight range at first. I thought . . . hmm. . . she wants to weigh seventy pounds? This isn't good! So, maybe I'll get better at converting kgs to lbs by reading your posts!
  • I've never been thin either... But I'm certainly gonna try
  • I could have written your post except I weight 87kg at age 11 when we had class weigh ins and most of my classmates were around 40kg I started my journey at 125kg after an entire lifetime of being overweight (well, I was a normal weight baby to be fair).

    The first thing I can say is that you can do it. I can be really flaky and RARELY stick to anything but something about seeing my highest weight of the scale made me realize that I couldn't not do this, whatever it took. I white-knuckled it on my own at first... setting my calories low and lost like 17lbs. Then I found 3FC and that made my journey so much easier- all the support and information and challenges kept me motivated and on track.

    I set my goal to lose 50 kg and believe me, to me it was crazy numbers. At that time, my dream was to be a US size 12. But that didn't stop me. I set mini-goals, I joined 5-lb challenges, 2 week challenges, all sorts of things that would keep me motivated. 50 kg might seem a lot but setting a goal and taking it 1 kg or 2 kg at a time made it a lot more doable.

    Also it took a while, but I got to the point where I decided I wasn't in a hurry. Sometimes, i got bored or tired and I allowed myself to go into phases of maintenance, eating more but still weighing regularly to ensure I wasn't re-gaining. My plan was calorie counting and 55kg later, I still calorie count. I don't restrict any food groups and I have treats from time to time. The main things to realize are this isn't a race, you're not in a competition with anyone, this is a marathon journey, time will pass whether you act or not AND that you don't have to be perfect at this all the time, just most of the time. You can totally do it!
  • Quote: you don't have to be perfect at this all the time, just most of the time.
    Thank you for saying this, something in my mind just clicked esp. after rereading the guilt thread from earlier.
  • Welcome to 3fC! You've found an amazing group of folks here who are very willing to teach, listen, encourage, commiserate, and kick you in the pants if you need it!

    I agree that small steps are often the best (and most easy to live with long term). You CAN do this! We have some wonderful inspirations on this board of people who have been heavy all their lives and then slowly but surely lost the excess weight. You can be one of them!
  • Everyone gave you some great advice. Just wanted to say welcome!!!!