not-quite-mini-goal but still great!

  • So this isn't really considered a mini goal of mine but it still made me feel great about the changes I've made to my eating habits!

    I was at the grocery store last night buying food and the guy who was scanning my items and commented: "That's quite the healthy diet you've got going on eh?" ( he really said "eh", oh, Canada ) I hadn't noticed buying anything different or making any efforts but looked down at a bunch of raw fruits and veggies, eggs, salmon, greek yogurt and chicken breasts and happily smilled back and said " I try".

    That really made me feel so proud of myself for making the right choices without even thinking twice about it! I've tried to follow "diets" before but this time around I'm just concentrating on eating healthy for the past month. Seems to work for me so far. I thought I'd share my mini-success story
  • Sorry CohesiveGen, but I don't think that qualifies as a mini-goal being met. I think that qualifies as a truly MAJOR GOAL! I was making out my menu for the day a little while ago and realized how much food I would need to eat just to get to my calorie count. It finally dawned on me that when you eat healthy foods, you get a LOT of food to eat. So give yourself an extra pat on the back that you were doing this naturally in your shopping. And it's always nice to have someone else notice it as well!
  • That's amazing! Congrats on such a strong recognition of all your hard work!
  • What a great reinforcement!
  • It's always feels so great when you notice those little things and see how far you've come! Keep it up
  • Yay!
  • I agree with Betsy!!! Definitely a major goal!!!

    As much as we all plan and plan, the supermarket has these trigger foods all over the place to tempt us.

    I'm so happy you stuck to plan AND got acknowledged for it! And that cashier doesn't even know how his comment affected you and then all of us!!
  • Clean eating is the way to go! I always feel so much better when I'm eating good, healthy, clean food and I'm sure you do, too.
    You're one of those healthy people
  • Quote: Sorry CohesiveGen, but I don't think that qualifies as a mini-goal being met. I think that qualifies as a truly MAJOR GOAL! I was making out my menu for the day a little while ago and realized how much food I would need to eat just to get to my calorie count. It finally dawned on me that when you eat healthy foods, you get a LOT of food to eat. So give yourself an extra pat on the back that you were doing this naturally in your shopping. And it's always nice to have someone else notice it as well!
    Great post! I agree... it's a MAJOR goal!

    And yes, if you eat the right things you can eat a LOT more!!

    Way to go, CohesiveGen...
  • Thank you for sharing your experience. This is a MAJOR goal lady!!!! In my mind I sometimes do a flashback comparison to what I used to have in my shopping cart with what I choose now and they seem to belong to two different people. And we are tho aren't we? Continued success to ya!!
  • I agree that is a great goal met because it is a major change.

    Yesterday when I was at the grocery store a lady accidentally starting rolling my cart away. I stopped her and said I'm sorry you have my cart. She looked inside mine and said "You're right I would never buy that much meat and vegetables". I looked at my cart very proudly with all the lean meats, veggies and nothing processed. Big steps are happening in our household.