Brand new to this site

  • Hello everyone...I am new here...found this website in a Womans World magazine...I recently broke off my engagement of one year to a man who I thought I could trust etc...but after cheating on me not once but twice..I was done..with my heart broken and a terrible sadness...I have taken each day one day at a problem? I find comfort in food....and at times I just dont care...but I want to make better healthier...and put the pieces of my life back in order..for me, my children, and my friends who love and care about me...where do i start? thanks and God Bless
  • start by knowing that you did the right thing. You deserve so much better than a man you can't trust! I know there is no worse feeling out there than 'not good enough' but girl trust me, food won't help in the long run. Love yourself!!
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!!
  • Oh girl, you sound just like me! You aren't alone, there are wonderful women here to walk through this weight loss journey alongside you. Women who have been through so much pain, emotional eaters and those who are doing this through a place of brokeness (I just got out of a relationship as well) as well as those who just want to be healthy.

    There are many specific forums for the specific diet you are using as well as goal related forums, or forums for those who are trying to lose while having emotional or medical issues. I also encourage you to check out the Goal forum and specifically the Goal photo album sub-forum. It is so encouraging. We are here for you!
  • I also found this sight in womens world let me know if I can offer any support or encouragement your way !!