My Ideal Weight or Yours???

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  • Quote: I agree with what everyone else has said. I told my mom what my goal weight is...I haven't seen the number since Jr. High School, and she said "that's too skinny"

    HA! Not even close. I was overweight then too.
    I haven't seen my goal weight since 3rd grade. Imagine a 3rd grader at 170! Closest I've been was 175 and that was right out of Army Basic/AIT and even then I was overweight. If I get to 170 at my clinic WI that'll actually be about 165 right out of the shower and I am SO looking forward to that.
  • Go with what feels right 4 YOU!
    Go to the goal you set - not the goal others want to set for you. Every time I get serious about losing weight and staying healthy at 5'0 and am doing well people start giving me unsolicited opinions about what they think my ideal weight is. It's my body not theirs. Maybe they mean well, but I politely try to tell them I'll do what I feel is best for me. I've got 7lbs to go to goal as of today. I've spent about 2 weeks battling post-op lbs from major surgery on 2/25/13. I couldn't believe I gained 10 lbs in 1 day but it was a long procedure and I had tons of IV fluid and pain meds. I was still ticked even though I knew it would come back off if I stuck OP. I think some people pick at the goals of others out of jealousy like another poster said, or due to lack of willpower they see you exerting. Hang in there and do what's right for you!
  • I had a similar conversation with my mom. She asked me what my goal was, and I said about a size 6 jeans. She had a heart attack saying that is too skinny. I have nothing in back and am only 5'3"...that is definitely not too skinny.
  • The way I look at it, it's taken me a fair amount of time, committment, and persistence to get this far... and I'm not going to stop until I am 100% happy with my results. Relatives, colleaques and friends can make comments if they're so inclined, but the decision is all mine.