Diet, binge, diet, binge - stopping the cycle

  • I've been in a diet/binge, diet/binge cycle for way too long. Then it finally hit me - I have to change the way I think about how I eat. For me personally, I need to see eating less as a permanent way of eating. I don't mean depravation, but small portions and cutting out all the c**p that I binge on. A permanent change in thinking is the only way I'm going to not binge on a regular basis. This realization, simple as it is, was a real epiphany for me, and I hope it helps me in my long-term dieting and attempt to look fit and trim.
  • That sounds like a REALLY big step! It's funny sometimes it's just really small changings in thinking that make all the difference.
  • I went through a similar epiphany recently, except that my approach is not to cut out the crap. Rather, i am learning to eat everything (even the crap) in smaller portions. But the epiphany part is really learning that this is FOREVER. Somehow that word never resonated before. But once i realized that this is forever, i was no longer in a hurry to lose weight. I am ok with it coming off slowly, because i know i am going to eat sensibly forever, and if i do that, there is no way could NOT come off.
  • So so true. I can't remember really ever "maintaining". For over 20 years, I've either been moving up the scale (while eating whatever and however much I wanted), or moving down the scale (usually by majorly restricting calories/fat/carbs/etc...). I'm hoping I've finally found my long-term plan!!
  • So happy for you, Tricon7! It's that epiphany that will change your life. Sometimes we just get that "click" moment and it's the road to our destiny. I got mine last summer and embraced it with all I have in me. I will NEVER go back to my old ways, NEVER.
  • Quote: I went through a similar epiphany recently, except that my approach is not to cut out the crap. Rather, i am learning to eat everything (even the crap) in smaller portions. But the epiphany part is really learning that this is FOREVER. Somehow that word never resonated before. But once i realized that this is forever, i was no longer in a hurry to lose weight. I am ok with it coming off slowly, because i know i am going to eat sensibly forever, and if i do that, there is no way could NOT come off.

    I am taking the same approach. I'm trying to make eating better, and smaller portions, my primary goal...losing weight will just be the bonus that I get
  • I'm very glad it clicked for you
  • Less - but not as little as the restricted calorie intake that made you binge. Most people don't tend to binge without dieting first.
  • Just realizing what u r doing wrong is a pretty awesome accomplishment on its own. I see that my friend really believes he eats a low amount of calories and won't change because he doesn't see the error in his ways. I added his cals for him on Saturday and they totaled to 3700 before he was even done for the day. I was hoping it would be a wake up call for him. I really think its great that u figured out what the problem is and admitted it to yourself, like an alcoholic has to admit they have a problem before they seek help.
  • I'm sleeping better at night because of eating better. That just about does it for me and gives me the extra incentive to think about what and when I am eating before I eat it.