Two-teens into ONEderland - So close you could SCREAM

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  • We had a weekend long Big Event where my BFF and I were in charge of the food--for 136 people--from Friday at 3:00 until Sunday early afternoon. We had food out almost around the clock (2:00-7:00am was sparse)--the rest of the time there were serious snacks out all the time. We had over 100 dozen baked treats in addition to--well, you probably don't want a full list--it was unbelievable.

    BUT, the upshot of it was that I snacked while making trays of cookies, cheese, and veggies (and not so much the veggies). ( don't think I snacked when I made up cracker trays.) We had 3 meals each day. We had--you get the idea. I didn't just eat at 3 set meals and one snack, which is what I've been doing. I do better with set times and quantities--fewer decisions in the moment. (and being faced with LK's Snickerdoodles--that's a killer)

    My sleep was totally screwed up (Friday: 2:30 - 8:30, Saturday: 4:00-8:00). It just is a crazy weekend for me. (It was a riot, though--everyone agreed it was one heckuva party!) (I went to sleep at 5:00 pm after we got home on Sunday--and DH was already snoring.) (He chaired the event)

    So, I ate off-plan, at weird times, and now I've got to re-set myself to eat on-plan at scheduled times. I can do this--but I'll tell you, if I hadn't had 3FC to come back and report to I think it would have been way harder to start up again. I just knew that all of you would (I hope) notice if I disappeared--so I had to come back!

    I feel disappointed about not exercising--I've been walking 10-20 minutes, 3 times a week day--I'm won't be able to do that at all. I know it's not essential to weight loss, so I'm going to stick with a reasonable caloric intake and hope to lose a pound a week while my activity is limited. For at least the first couple of weeks, though, I'm not supposed to be up and around at all, and then I can go back to work as long as I keep my foot elevated.

    You guys will hear from me a lot while I'm home, I'm sure!
  • Lunar - Glad to hear the dishcrawl went well and your weight has continued to come down!

    Beth - Sounds like a crazy weekend! Good for you for getting right back on track! Good luck on your surgery and I hope you recover quickly!

    Warning - Might be TMI for some!
    It's been a crazy few days for me as well. During my annual physical in January, they found out I had elevated liver enzymes and slight iron-deficiency anemia. My doctor sent me to a gastroenterologist who recommended an endoscopy, colonoscopy, and liver ultrasound. On Sunday, I went on a liquid diet and then a cleanse in preparation for the endoscopy and colonoscopy. I had those two procedures on Monday and the ultrasound yesterday. I'm really glad I got these tests done because they found out I have gastritis and a fatty liver and removed a polyp (benign).

    As for my weight, the liquid diet and cleanse made me drop down to 214.6 on Monday. I was back up to 216 by Wednesday but came down to 215.2 today, so I think my system has gone back to normal. Also, now I can officially say that I've met my mini-goal of losing 10% of my weight! And I'm happy to say my next goal is Onderland!
  • Just wanted to pop in and say Hi to everyone! My scale hit 219.8 this morning so I'm hoping to join you guys! Just want to make sure it sticks.
  • Welcome tziri!!! Glad to have you here, just don't plan on staying too long. Onederland is calling all our names!!
  • Welcome, Tziri! Congratulations on the new decade! You're down 75 pounds--that's amazing!
  • Still haven't stepped on the scale. Holding out til the 1st, but not weighing is making me way more conscious of every bite. Its also encouraging me to stay on top of my water intake. I've got an interview in an hour and its storming its balls off. Upside, there's no reason to straighten my hair. Downside, it requires a lot of product to keep the frizz under control.

    Have a great Friday everyone
  • Morning, All!
    Tziri- You are ours now. MUWAHAHA! I think I was posting in the last decade and this decade for a sold two weeks before I felt comfortable making the transition. But you are totally and completely welcome here.

    It's fun- on the daily weigh-in thread it seems like A LOT of people are reaching their monthly goals. That's fabulous!! I feel bloated. TOM is on my heels. I'm going to really really up my water, maybe even have some detox tea and hit the B-6.

    If I step back and observe- it's wonderful how much progress everyone has made since the beginning of the year. It's just remarkable. In fact- I think we need one of those "100 Pound Club Has Lost..." Thread.

    Immaculate- I really disliked my colonoscopy prep. In fact- I lost 10 pounds and kept it off. I had a full day of fasting and then my appointment wasn't until 3 PM. TORTURE. Ugh. And that was when I was still afraid of being hungry.

    Elvis- I'm still so incredibly inspired by you. I can't believe how fast you are flying through this thread. SO awesome. Has there been a decade that went by particularly slow for you?

    Ang- I can't wait to see what your scale says! Also- keep us updated on how the interview goes!
  • Tziri - Welcome and congrats on the loss so far!

    Angi - Good luck on your interview!

    Lunar - There is definitely been a lot of losses on the boards lately. It's really exciting seeing everyone hitting their goals!

    I'm down another pound to 214.2 today. I'm hoping the whoosh fairy stays for awhile.
  • Thanks for the welcome everyone! I hit 218.6 this morning so I guess I feel like I can officially be in this thread now!! Gotta go do some yard work. Hope you all have a fabulous day!!
  • Quote: Elvis- I'm still so incredibly inspired by you. I can't believe how fast you are flying through this thread. SO awesome. Has there been a decade that went by particularly slow for you?

    Hi lunar,

    Thank you for your comment. I really do feel like I could scream I want to get to 199 so badly.

    I looked through my weightloss history and the worst were the 2-teens of this thread (weekly weigh-ins were 218,216,214,212,210 and now finally 206), I was under a lot of stress the past 5-6 weeks or so and the scale definitely punished me for it.

    I just went through my weight-loss log and some decades I only spent 2 weeks and other decades I spent 4 weeks. I had some weeks where I was right on the brink of a new decade so it looked like I was in some longer. I actually only spent 1 week in the 290s just the way the numbers worked (I was exactly 300 one week, then 294 the next and then 289 the next!).
  • 203 today.
  • It's the end of the day and I'm exhausted! Hope everyone had a fun Easter!
  • Thanks Lunar!


    I indulged a little today; it should balance out from being extra good for the rest of the week. Nothing outlandish; I didn't even have any Easter candy outside of one serving of a sugar-free peanut butter cup. Which means I made it through without one single Cadbury egg . . . I'm glad they're only available once a year. I've been totally slacking on the jogging though and need to get my butt moving again.

    I'm currently down to 213. I'm feeling pretty good about that. Here's to hoping for 212 on Wednesday!
  • Hi all-

    Rough weekend for me--or at least, rough Saturday night party. The rest of the weeked was fine, but that one party was pretty extreme. I brought all the leftovers to work today to tempt my coworkers and get them out of my house!

    I'm up to 211.2 today--not sure how that happened--I didn't expect to be down, but up a pound? Sad me. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

    Hope this is a start to a good week for all!
  • 215 on the dot. 1 lb shy of my goal. I started to get upset, then realized I lost TEN pounds in March. That's a huge accomplishment and to be upset that its not 11 is self defeating and silly. I did hit 214 and had hoped to be lower but my body really starts fighting every 10 lbs the closer I get to 200 and then under. Its better to acknowledge the loss and plunge forward and downward and celebrate what I have accomplished. Happy Monday everyone! I'll do personals and catch ups as soon as I get to a laptop