What do we do with the big drawers?

  • I have passed along all my old, too big clothes, but somehow, passing along the drawers does not sound like a good idea to me.

    My thoughts on this:
    If you have a boat.......and need sails.....why not!

    If you ever need to surrender, run a white pair up the flag pole.......mine could be seen for miles.

    Sew a few together and make a blanket

    Cut them in long strips and braid them, roll together and make a rug. My Grandma did this with bread bags when I was a kid........not kidding!!

    Dust rags........always can be used as dust rags.

    Cut in strips (see above) use to tie bedding plants to stakes.

    anyone else have any ideas?


    ...disclaimer.......please know, I hope this does not offend anyone........I'm just fooling around........
  • Cut very thin and use as dental floss.
  • you ladies are a hoot!!!! mom keeps trying to wear mine.. even though they're 28s or so, and she's about a 14!!!!

    i suppose one could make quilts out of them.. especially the prints. how festive???!!!!
  • We're throwing my parents a 50th wedding anniversary party next month. I'm using my pants for the tent and table cloths!

  • oh my!

    send them to my cheap dh so that he can donate them and use them as a tax deduction.


  • Or send them to me. My dogs love to eat underwear - especially the crotches. Usually this happens when we are not wearing them.

    OR - sell them on eBay. I bet there would be lots of offers.

    (Sheesh, Debkay, YOU worried about being offensive?)
  • OH THE VISUAL!!!!!

    I'm not offended!
  • Oh Ruth, I'm still sitting here snorting and guffawing.
    It is so kind of your dogs to wait until after you're finished wearing them - usually!

    Chickadee - who really needed to laugh today