So, this is what it feels like to be naturally thin

  • I've always believed that the main difference between those we call "naturally thin" and someone like me is mindset---i.e., they simply don't desire food as much as I do. My husband, who has never had any weight problem, will most often just skip lunch because he doesn't want to bother making it; I would never do that.

    Well, the last few days I've had a cold, and one side effect of the medication I'm taking is that it suppresses the appetite. For the past few days, I literally have no interest in food, no particular cravings, etc. I couldn't even bring myself to have lunch yesterday. Even when my stomach started to growl around 4:30-5:00, I registered that I was physically hungry, but I didn't feel that desperate desire for food as I normally would. This has really given me some insight into how it must feel to be a "naturally" thin person. It seems to be no struggle at all to resist food. I wish I could be like this all the time!
  • Yes! Having a horrible chest cold for weeks was actually kind of nice! Lol

    Reminding myself this past week that I need to get back into being accountable...not so nice.
  • I remember that feeling from the phen-fen days. It was really kind of eye-opening!! I could eat half a candy bar (major trigger food)--feel satisfied, and put the other half away for later. Oh well!
  • Ketosis always helps me with that. It's a great feeling to eat food and be DONE, not still wanting more or obsessing over it. I'm sorry you're not feeling well, though
  • For me, IF has helped me to understand my hunger cues. Before I was really HANGRY (hungry+angry) at lunch time and now I feel fine, some growling on my stomach but it is manageable.

    I also think my friends think that I am one of those naturally thin people. We went to a birthday yesterday and I did not eat a lot of the junk that was provided. It's easy to do now as I don't focus on the food, I just push the thought of food away and distract myself with something else. It takes practice but it can be done and it is easier if you don't experience that hanger feeling anymore when you need to eat irrationately.
  • So funny that ketosis and IF were mentioned bc I was thinking that I've had periods of feeling this way in the last couple of years but I'm not sure if its the ketosis or IF or if I need both. When I'm feeling it strongly life seems so much easier -- no having to constantly shove down obsessive thoughts of what I could be eating or feeling defeated bc I wasn't able to shove them down.

    Today was a really great day in this respect. I sat at Starbucks all day studying and I don't even think the pasteries crossed my mind. Then, even though I hadn't had a single bite to eat all day, at about 4 pm I went grocery shopping and when I got to the car I realized that I didn't buy a single item that I intended to eat myself. I was completely in control and not even anxious about it. It was awesome!

    I have to put a disclaimer her bc I am scared of jinxing myself... I feel like I'm onto something w this but I also worry a lot that one day it's just going to poof! disappear. It's all such a balancing act.
  • Quote: I have to put a disclaimer her bc I am scared of jinxing myself... I feel like I'm onto something w this but I also worry a lot that one day it's just going to poof! disappear. It's all such a balancing act.
    You sound like me, I am always scared I am going to jinx myself, the other day I was, well never mind don't wanna jinx myself.