Has anyone ever cleansed?

  • TL;DR - Has anyone used some sort of pill to do a "cleanse"? I'm having some digestive issues like usual and my weight is stuck. =/

    For the past week, I've kept my calories under 1400 easily. I burn about 1600 without any exercise and I've been chasing after a puppy for almost a full week now. I also worked out last night and the night before. So, theoretically, I'd liked to have seen some sort of drop, even if only a small one. But I seem to be stuck at 136...

    I've been under 136 before, down to 130, but I'm not really, um...digesting properly... I was more regular when veggies made up 98% of my diet but I got sick of that fast... One of my roommates suggested that I try a cleanse, some sort of pill that is supposed to help clean you out. But I don't know much about them and I wouldn't know what to get, if anything.

    So I'm wondering if anyone here has done something like this before and if so, what you used. I'm trying to shock my body somehow so my first attempt is actually increasing my calorie intake a bit. I just ate like a crapton of food, including two cookies and a small brownie. I'm wondering if it'll make my body kinda go, whoa, wtf was that? If not...cleanse time? =/
  • A cleanse is a nice word for a laxative. There are laxatives that are harmful (senna leaf) and ones that are just fiber (like psyllium husk). If you need to get things moving, it might not hurt to try a fiber laxative. Commercial brands include benefiber and metamucil. You can also find psyllium husk in most health foods stores. Otherwise, things like warm water with lemon in the morning and walking are things that can help get things moving.

    You can also look at other high fiber foods like legumes (i.e. lentils, beans, etc), winter squash and such to help get things moving.
  • Are you burning 1600 per day or week? Make sure to at least be taking in 1200 (on average) a day...(and not burning all that and more).

    I'd stay away from laxitives unless you are really plugged up. psyllium husk would be better. Or prune juice (ew!) Keep drinking lots of water.
  • Quote: Are you burning 1600 per day or week? Make sure to at least be taking in 1200 (on average) a day...(and not burning all that and more).

    I'd stay away from laxitives unless you are really plugged up. psyllium husk would be better. Or prune juice (ew!) Keep drinking lots of water.
    1600 per day without exercise. A few days I fell under 1200 due mostly to chasing after a puppy all day. I was really stressed those days and eating kind of just fell by the wayside. I'm calming down though and my calorie count is back up. It stays under 1500, I'd say closer to 1300.

    Yeah I don't like laxatives, painful suckers. I tend to have a hard time staying regular in general so maybe I should check into using something regularly that's gentle. I wasn't aware that "cleansing" was just a nice word for using laxatives, the way my roommate described it seemed more like removing excess, well, you know from your body that normally kinda just hangs out inside you...
  • I think there is a lot of misconception, usually due to marketing that stuff hangs out in your intestines but it doesn't. Everything you ingest either gets absorbed or moved out.
  • Bah, scams. >.<

    Thanks for the heads up!