New Member/First day on IP Diet... any advice?

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  • Today is my first day on the IP diet (and first day on this forum). I've tried to lose weight the past few years but can't seem to get it right. I need to lose 50 lbs and I'm feeling focused but still... a little intimidated.

    Does anyone have any helpful advice or tips to stay on track? How hard was the first/second week?

    Any advice would be appreciated
  • Hi May and welcome. The first 3-4 days can be a bit rough as you get into ketosis. I had really bad headaches about day three and some bigtime hunger but it did pass and it is worth getting through those first days.
    Advance meal planning and prep has really helped me out a lot. Also for me it helps to take it one day at a time and look at this as learning a whole new way of eating not dieting. Reward yourself. I can't remember who it was but someone on the forum got a charm bracelet and would buy a new charm for every 5 or 10 pounds lost. And come here often, it is the best support!
  • The biggest piece of advice is what you have already done - join this forum! Read it every day. Spend time reading through the sticky threads, browse around - there is SO MUCH good info here and so many people who can (and have) helped with questions.

    Just a few other bullet points:

    -Remember that the first week is the hardest. Push through that and you will sail on the rest of your journey.

    -Put cheating/tasting/food rewards out of your head completely. This is a no-cheat diet. You need to turn your back on how you used to eat - eating that way is what made you gain weight in the first place! Use the time on phase 1 to reset your brain - new way of eating, new way of thinking.

    -Never say "only" when it comes to weight loss - every pound we lose counts and adds up! Every pound is fought for and won. Treat every loss as a victory.
  • Welcome!
    My best advice is to hang in there! It's rough for the first few days--for me it was Day 5 on the diet before I woke up with no headache. But that passes and the cravings pass, too. I wouldn't have believed it had I not gone thru it. You will be amazed by how much better you feel...not to mention proud of good you will look. I've been on the diet since October 3, and I'm halfway to my goal.
    MustangMolly (great name!) was right--it's best to view this as a new lifestyle, not just a diet. Yes, the first phase it super restrictive, and long term maintenance will be a LITTLE less restrictive, but you really can't go back to eating all the carbs, sweets, fat, etc. that you want to because the weight will just come back. That's been a realization that I've had to come to terms with.
    And come here often..awesome support and great advice is always available!
  • Everything Mustang said! You will get so much support here! There are also great recipes and tips. WELCOME!
  • Good luck with your weight loss!
  • Welcome!

    Today is the end of my 1st week. I have to say that, so far, this is the best diet I have been on and I've been yo-yo dieting since I was about 8 y.o. (turned 49 last Friday my first IP day).

    Day 4 was the worst for me. I felt nauseaous all day long. I've had a couple of headaches but the coaches (and everyone here) advice of a 1/4 tsp sea salt and some water fixed it right up.

    The support on this site is something I never had in the past. Use it and the benefits of those that have done it and succeeded.

    Now off to Week I WI!
  • Thank you so much everyone! Scorbett1103/Mustang Molly- you're right, I can tell already reading this forum will help! It also helps to know in advance I might experience headaches etc... at least I know its not just me feeling it!

    So far so good... lets see how this week goes
  • Quote: Welcome!

    Today is the end of my 1st week. I have to say that, so far, this is the best diet I have been on and I've been yo-yo dieting since I was about 8 y.o. (turned 49 last Friday my first IP day).

    Day 4 was the worst for me. I felt nauseaous all day long. I've had a couple of headaches but the coaches (and everyone here) advice of a 1/4 tsp sea salt and some water fixed it right up.

    The support on this site is something I never had in the past. Use it and the benefits of those that have done it and succeeded.

    Now off to Week I WI!
    Congrats on your first week! It motivates me to know you were able to hang in there
  • You are going to do great on this plan!! Just remember...the food is not as good as real food but with some veggies and some spices, it is palatable. Also, I just discovered that some people will find their weight loss slows down and kinda hovers at a weight that they've spent a lot of time at previously...

    I just got past that point myself. My weight loss usually stalls between 167 and 169 and I could see it happening again but I know this program works so I just made it a point to stay OP no matter what. I didn't actually stop losing but it slowed way down in the last couple of weeks. Today, I weighed myself and I was down from yesterday! (I am a daily weigher...some people frown on that but I do it anyways!) I could tell by how I felt that I was back in ketosis.

    Anyways, my point is stay with it even if it seems like things are slowing down cause it does work!!!
  • Welcome! You will see great results with IP ... yes, that first week is tough but the second week is amazing!

    My 2 major tips ...

    1. As Scorbett mentioned - plan in advanced. My biggest help is I make a huge salad in a huge tupperware container at the beginning of the week so I always have that to pull on whenever ... you can do this with other veggies if you like too .. and keep an RTD in your purse or bag at all times too!

    2. When you get hungry, pull out the herbal tea as it helps a lot!

    Good luck!
  • oh yeah, when I'm really wanting something sweet I have a cup of decaf coffee with cherry and chocolate syrup....I think they are DaVinci and they are 0/0/0/ made with Splenda and it tastes like a chocolate covered cherry.
  • I don't really understand why everybody has such a hard time planning the food...unless they don't have access to a microwave. I put my three space packs in my bag and I grab a veggie...literally a large zucchini or a bunch of broccoli. At lunch I cut up the veggie, cook it in the microwave and add the soup. There's no prep and I can have my lunch ready in less than 10 minutes. Making a salad would be too much I think the soups taste much better with veggies in them than they do by themselves with a salad on the side.
  • Congrats on starting IP. If you follow the sheet and don't cheat, this diet will work wonders for you.
    My advice....
    * Visit this site often. Read, ask questions and let everyone know how you are doing. There is GREAT support here.
    * Try new recipes. Add spinach to your shakes (really). Search out new recipes on this site for veggies and using your packets. (Rainbow and LizRR recipes were life savers.) I’ve been in maintenance for a couple of months and I still look forward to veggie purees.
    * Plan ahead and be prepared.
    * Finally, TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME.
    Good luck!
  • Welcome MayShowers! Ditto what everyone above said, and I stress the PLANNING AHEAD! Always have veggies ready in the fridge, and don't be afraid to try new ones.

    Your first WI will make the rough days the first week well worth it - so hang tough.