Cabbage soup question

  • I've heard many variations of this, and am planning on trying it.

    I know you're pretty much only supposed to eat the soup, but is it okay to have 1 yogurt a day (80 cals) for calcium purposes? And perhaps 1 cream saver hard candy (20 cals) for dessert?

    Oh, and it's fine to eat unsalted raw veggies like broccoli and celery, right?

    Sorry for all these questions, I really should research more instead of making you people answer my questions.

    One more thing - this really seems to focus more on water weight than legitimate fat loss. Anyone here try it before?

    Spice limits? Oregano, rosemary, and black pepper are also fine, right? XD Sorry for having to ask.
  • I did it when I was 18 (11 years ago). While I did lose a lot of weight I ended up gaining more back. I had no energy, and by the end of the week I could barely choke down the cabbage soup. To this day I gag (literally) whenever I even think about the soup.

    I wish you luck.
  • I don't want to discourage you from your diet plan as I think we should all do what we want without judgement.'d be so much better to have a well-balanced low calorie diet (1600-1800 based on your current weight stat), filled with protein and fresh/frozen vegetables and fruits.

    I know that's not what you asked but the scrapping for details on cabbage soup and just wanting to add this or that already says you might not be successful on it.

    You can lose weight eating real food, a lot of us are doing it here and have been successful with it.

    I wish you lots of luck on your weightloss, no matter what plan you choose.
  • I've been eating less than 600 a day with limited results for around half a year.
    I thought it might be time to try something new.

    Judging by what you all said, I think I'll just make a batch of it and see what I think... may or may not continue with it.
  • Less than 600 calories a day?? No wonder you had limited results, your body is hungry. There are a lot of threads here and on to validate that by eating more, you will lose more weight.
  • I've heard it, but I still thought I was doing something wrong when I had more than 1000.

    Maybe I'll just do that instead. XD
  • Have you discussed your dieting with a doctor or a nutritionist? They will help you find the best plan for losing to start with. Then you can always tweek and go from there! I just worry that you are making dangerous, uninformed choices that could seriously hurt you.
  • Though cabbage soup is great for water weight, its not a long term diet. It doesn't have all the nutrition needed in a it. I would suggest no more than 3 days, if you feel the need to do it. Sometimes things like this can give motivation to keep going just because you may "lose" 5 pounds in a few days.
  • Less than 600 calories a day ? You are putting your health at risk, you are robbing yourself of nutrients. Please reconsider this. You can have a healthy diet that contains fresh vegetables , fresh fruit and lean meat, fish and chicken and lose weight.
  • Quote: I've been eating less than 600 a day with limited results for around half a year.
    I thought it might be time to try something new.

    Judging by what you all said, I think I'll just make a batch of it and see what I think... may or may not continue with it.
    I'm going to try it too...I have the book and it has a plan for 7 days but the first 3 days are the most strict. I figure a week is worth a shot to jump start a more healthy eating plan.