Who's eating more than 1500 calories?

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  • Hello all,

    I'm eating about 1600 calories a day. I'm doing some exercise but nothing intense. Am I setting myself up for a stall? Am I the only one eating on the higher end? I'm thinking that it'll probably take me longer, but those days when I could eat 1200 calories and workout are pretty much a thing of the past.

    Why does it seem like most people here are eating so little? Is that just my own false impression? I'd like to hear your thoughts.

    Thanks all!
  • I'm eating a little over 1600 calories a day. So far, the only time my weight loss has stalled is when I fall off the wagon and land face first in a helluva lot more than 1600.
  • i eat about 1700 a day and i do i lightish workout regimine maybe i burn 200 cals

    i am loosing well when i eat too little i stall afet a few days
  • Thanks ladies. I'm glad I"m not alone, but I hope I still get some more responses.
  • I am eating about 1800 with very little exercise at the moment and have consistent losses of 2 lbs a week so far!
  • I am happy to see some taller calorie counters here!!! So, I am trying to relose45-50 pounds b4 my 40th bday in July.... So I was trying 1400 calories a day....(I just restarted)...... But if you gals are losing 2 a week w 1600 or so I am gonna try that!!!
  • Oh, I'm not losing two a week! When I stick to plan, I lose about 1 a week. But I'm good with that because of that loose skin specter hanging over my head. It took 48 years to get to my heaviest weight. I can take my time losing.
  • I aim for 1600-1700 a day. I tend to eat only 1400-1500, though. I want to hit the higher caloric mark so that when I plateau I have a few steps I can take down.

    I also exercise 4-5 days a week.

    I have lost 28lbs since December 1st.
  • I kind of do, but not every day. I alternate days, one day I aim for between 1,000 and 1,100 calories, then the next day I aim for around 1,700-1,800.

    Of course, I JUST started dieting, only been doing this for 8 days, so it may not work out long term! But so far I lost 5.6lbs in 8 days, and on most of my higher cal days I know I probably went over 1,800-we went out to eat 3 out of the 4 high cal days, and I tried not to go crazy, but didn't really worry about it too much and ate what I wanted(not low cal foods, ate dessert, etc.). So right now it is working for me, and I'll tweak it if/when I need to.

    I hope it works well for a while, it's awesome, since on the lower days when it gets tough, I just remember that the next day I can splurge a bit and that gives me the willpower to get through without feeling deprived.
  • I'm sitting around 1700 calories right now, which is working for me. I know that I will have to adjust it as the weight comes off, and there are days when I go over or don't hit it.
  • I'm eating 1900 calories a day and getting in three weight lifting work outs a week and walking my dogs every day. I go to free dieting dot com and check the calculators there every once in a while. I'm eating the required calories for a person the size I want to be.
  • I eat 1600-1700 calories per day. I feel much better than I did while eating 1200!
  • I don't eat extremely low calorie either... I don't count them but eat lots and lots of fresh fruits and veggies, plus smaller amounts of other things. And my doctor has advised me against going really low cal
  • I eat between 1500-1800 a day. I just cant stay consistant. I try and do 1500 but sometimes i just feel so hungry that i have to eat more. I figure as long as i am under maintenance level, i will still lose something.
  • I try and stay anywhere from 1800-2000, some days higher, some lower...run for 30-45 minuntes a day as my excerise. Because I'm so close to my goal again , i'm only averaging a .7 loss per week