Hump Day on The Beach, Wednesday, 1/23

  • Good morning on this freezing day! We should have turned up the heat overnight, and it was hard to get out of my warm, cozy bed.

    I have a few hours off this morning, but have to run to the store for Dad and spend some time with Mom. I'm also trying to get some laundry done while I have some free time this morning. The girls have riding lessons scheduled after school today, but they may be canceled, depending on the weather.

    Bundle up good today, and stay safe and warm.
  • It is really quite cold out there, isn't it, cottage? BTW - that little emoticon....what are those.... I bet those lessons are canceled today.

    I should have a really short day of work today, unless my boss drums me up more business (she's really good at that!). I hope to get a good workout in, although I'm not sure I can get myself outside to run, it's 5 degreess with a real feel of -12. But I sure do hate that dreadmill. We'll see.

    I need to clean out some pantry items, and take myself off grains for a while. I know it's a mental thing right now, maybe I need to whip out and read that book you guys had recommended...
  • Good morning.

    Cold here too. Brrrr. I haven't been sleeping well; I seem to be fighting my second cold in a month. Scratchy throat and now a cough kicking in.

    The floors are done. The appliances are back. I'm slowly putting things back to the way they were, like rehanging pictures on the wall. We can't put on furniture or rugs for a while and no shoes on the floor for a week. I'm off to replenish the fridge and freezer today and will be happily roasting green beans this afternoon!

    Today I am getting my underarms lasered for the second time. I probably told you that my mom gave me that as a "thank you" gift for helping her after her surgery. Odd, I know, but there was a story behind it. Anyhow, DH is coming to get a large age spot on his face lasered, my Christmas gift to him. He's had it done once before years ago but refuses to use sunscreen so it is kind of a wasted effort.

    Tonight my mom and I see the play Billy Elliott.

    Keep warm
  • Sorry too cold here to get out of bed until now. Single digit temperatures make me wish I was retired to someplace tolerable. I like all the seasons, but do not fair well in cold. I have Raynaud's in my hands. So in extreme cold I usually stay in and even resort to wearing gloves in doors

    Plan on spending the day close to my fireplace lol maybe make some soup and get a nice ride in.

    Karen glad things are getting back to normal for you. I bet the floors look gorgeous! Have fun at the play.

    Linda I hope they cancel the lesson, sorry selfish of me, but it's just too cold. More like a hot chocolate and reading day not riding.

    Tammy hope you are not too busy today. Please take your workout inside today. You might become a Popsicle!

    Have a great day
  • Good morning It's a frigid day and I have to go north. Such a bad plan but no choice.

    Happy hump day
  • it's chilly here in florida, but not nearly as cold as up there! hope you guys can stay warm!
  • Brrr is right and it is not as cold here as you all.

    Today I hang my head in shame as I went off plan for supper at a restaurant for my hubby's birthday... it was not cravings as much as unhealthy eating has become a habit for me.... I will break the habit!! It could have been worse last night and today is a new day!!

    My goal is to get my 10k in steps day and drink all my water!!

    Have a great day!!
  • Good late morning to everyone,

    My toes were freezing today and felt quite numb by the time I got to work today from waiting for the train and then the shuttle to building. Glad it is supposed to warm up to 30 degrees this afternoon, I hate single digit temps

    Jennifer TOM comes next week but the week before my body likes to hold on to some weight so it only seems like I get two weeks a month where I can lost weight on the scale. LOL I am thinking of not weighing myself to avoid that frustration for about a month and then see what it says at the end. I really feel like my insides are changing (like I can feel my body getting leaner because I am giving it the nutrition it wants) and my clothes are starting to fit better but the scale will not move. evil evil scale

    Cottage I also hope the lessons get canceled

    Tywnn hope you get a short day in

    Karen glad that they are done with the floors

    Cyndi stay warm

    DB- I wish I was in FL right now

    Payday- today is a new day to start anew, they say it takes about 30-45 days to break a habit or learn a new one- hang in there

    Tonight just doing laundry and not much else- I need to start working on college renewal paperwork for my kids- I am charge of all of the grants and loans and such

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Well, here in crazypants Colorado, it's supposed to get up to near 70 today. We missed the arctic air belt somehow. Not that I'm complaining!

    Want to know a funny? It means our fire season has already started... in JANUARY....

    Going to take the doggie for a walk and take a shower! (Exciting, no?) Hope everyone manages to stay warm today!! Sending warm thoughts your way!