Under calorie count

  • I'm under my calorie count by about 600 cals. I did the stationary bike for 25 mins which added to my limit. It's now 9 pm where I live, and I'm not hungry. I don't want to eat. I've been drinking green tea like its my job.

    But I don't want to go into 'starvation mode' and have a negative impact on my weight loss. Should I eat something ? Not worry about it ? A little nervous. I've already not had success on the scale and don't want to hinder this any further.

    Thoughts ?
  • I wouldn't worry. Just eat when you're hungry
  • #1 As a past anorexic I know for a fact "starvation mode" is a myth.
    #2 Don't worry about it. Just try eating more tomorrow
  • If you're not hungry, don't eat. 1200 isn't really anything but a number. It isn't good to AIM lower than that, but one day when you're not hungry certainly won't send you into starvation mode. It'd take months and months.