breaking the plateau. Giving up my beloved chocolate :(

  • Ok well as the title suggests, I've hit a plateau (well...more a huge wall actually) I've gotten over plateaus before, with calorie cycling, mixing up my diet and exercise regime, patience etc. But I'm finding that as I'm only 5/10 bs from my goal that its getting harder and harder.

    A lot of people have told me to stop, that I look great etc, but I'm not happy with 165lbs, it still puts me at the top range of my bmi range (24.5) and it only takes a couple of lbs gain to tip me over the edge and back into overweight. Plus I still feel a bit wobbly and a tad bigger than I want to be.

    So the idea is to try and cut out sugar, or as much as possible, for a week or two to see if that helps. I look back at my food diary and know that sugar (chocolate and biscuits) are my main weak point, I find it hard to go a day without something, which then turns into a bit more.

    Any thoughts?
  • i've done protein diets before (no carbs, no dairy, no sugar, not even fruit) and they work extremely well. i'm even doing something similar atm though i do eat the occasional fruit and sweet potato (which should be a no-no) but i'm trying to eat my sugar and startch "clean".

    it is true that if you stop eating sugar, you'll stop craving it. it might be really hard for the first 3 days, but after 3 days, i promise you, those cravings will be gone.

    so i would say, go for it!!

    plus, for me, focusing on eating mostly protein and veggies has been what has worked best for me to lose weight. i know there are a lot of theories floating out there but i don't believe that "a calorie is a calorie", i believe that what you eat and the combinations in which you eat them matters; simply because i've counted calories in the past and just lost nothing. but when i cut carbs i ALWAYS lose.

    i hope you can find what works for you. good luck!
  • Sugar addictions can be rough! You really are going to crave everything sugary and you're going to get cranky! But honestly, hang in there. You really sound like you want to be in the middle of the healthy BMI chart (which is where my goal weight is too) so use that as motivation to say no to the treats. If you're getting your sugar from chocolate, biscuits, soda, cakes etc then perhaps try eating natural foods with sugar in them like fruit. That way you still get a sugar boost but you won't be consuming foods with lots of junk in them. I know when I'm trying to wean myself off coke I start to drink fruit drinks for the sugar, then eventually stop that and then I'm back to normal. Sometimes cold turkey can be too much but it can work if you've got the will power!
  • I think giving up your sweet tooth may help you break your plateau. Good luck!
  • I agree with Kawaii.....I ALWAYS lose when I cut body just doesn't agree with them....even fruit I have to be careful of. Plus if I avoid all of those it actually helps me eat my veggies.
  • As much as I hate to admit it, a long break from carbs is in my future.
  • I agree that in order to get drastic results, sometimes you have to do something "drastic".

    Giving up sugar will be good for you too! It doesn't have to be forever, just work with a time limit and see what happens, and then you can always reassess.
  • The plateau has been broken! I've given up refined sugar (Chocolate, sweets, biscuits etc) but I have also find that if cut carbs entirely I get really really hungry. So I have a small portion of 'good' carbs with my meals (bulgar wheat, sweet potato, porridge oats-original not flavoured, ryvita crisp bread) I have also cut down on the amount of fruit I eat and have replaced dit with cherry tomatoes and chopped bell peppers. It's going really well, no cravings!