*******An attitude of gratitude - Month of January 2013********

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  • Happy Anniversary Beverly!
    * rainy/icy morning- greatful i dont have to go out in it
    * have a job interview this afternoon-greatful for the opportunity
    * bill of the week is paid
    * gas tank is full
    * the ladies of 3FC
  • + great Girls & Kids dinner last night - nice to know four teens consider me their friend

    + a tiny .2 pound blip despite ham and potatoes for dinner

    + solved the mystery of the strange deposit to my account

    + it's cold, windy and snowstorming and I am in for the night!

    + pea soup with goldfish crackers

    + personal and Mill bills are all paid and in the mail
  • Thanks, Dangerous, for the nice anniversary wishes.

    - nice time out to supper with DH last night

    - dh and I got married during the blizzard of 1978 and EVERYTHING went wrong. I am grateful that the marriage is alot better than our wedding.

    - soon we will see Mike and family

    - friends, family, you all, cell, fb, internet, music

    - my kitchen looks so pretty
  • + Richard who always ploughs my lane before 7:30 although he has lots of other commercial customers

    + Disney who seems to be settling down a bit - she has been nervous since coming home from the kennel

    + finally, all the bits and pieces of Christmas are stashed away

    + spent some time in the quilting studio yesterday - getting my mojo back

    + another taste of spring today and tomorrow - 53ºF predicted

    + today's meals are planned - need to do that daily and stick to the plan

    + my big rosemary plant seems to have recovered from the post-Christmas neglect
  • *My husband and his health
    *My family and their well being
    *My parents' german shepherd gave birth to six puppies, one didn't make it but the other five are healthy as can be!
    *My boss and her recovering health, continuing to pray for her
    *Having a great job that I could not be more thankful for
    *Another beautiful day to spend with my husband!
  • - my dear friend Shirleyanne who always makes me laugh

    - BMO who are right on the bit - they called me yesterday about someone trying to use my Mastercard number

    - a day with no outside commitments yesterday - nice to just cozy in

    - the Heritage committee wants to buy the closed Church
  • - I found some CD's I've been looking for.

    - will see Alex and Maya

    - weather reporting - they can tell us so much...

    - friends, family, you all, fb,internet, cell, music

    - my grandma's teapot

    - I got on the scale today.. even though I ate extra last night. Grateful for the willingnesss.
  • *My husband and his improving health with each successful PT session
    *My ability to make it through most of Plyometrics last night without too much strain on my ankle!
    *My family and their well being
    *The warm weather today, which will fuel some thunderstorms! (I LOVE severe weather, as long as no one is hurt, because that is one of my focuses in school)
    *The support system through my husband, family, friends, and of course the wonderful ladies on 3FC!
  • - I won't let back pain stop me... I am pushing through. Grateful for the willingness

    - soon I'll see my family

    - warm inside... grateful. COLD outside

    - I can turn on the tv... and I can turn if OFF. It's hard to watch any news.

    - friends, family, you all, fb, cellphone, cell, music.

    - heating pad and frozen peas.
  • + feel like I'm on top of the end of year accounting tasks

    + back to "normal" winter weather - actually below normal with snow

    + papaya - my new fruit discovery - $$ but worth it

    + did a mile on the treadmill at 3.5 mph without losing my breath

    + got all the snow and ice off the deck yesterday before it froze into lumps

    + my black fake suede pants now fit
  • * no damage from the storms that came in the middle of the night.
    * found the title to ds truck when no one else could.
    * the scale not going up
    * my 2 n 4 legged kids
    * this thread reminding me that i am a lucky woman
    * this site n the people on it, a true blessing
  • *My husband and his improving health
    *My boss and the family I work for
    *No damage after the storms last night pushed through the area
    *Beautiful and chilly day today to enjoy!
    *The well being of my family and friends
    *My ankle's full recovery and ability to exercise like normal again
    *A great first month of 2013