A New Fat Chick

  • Hello, all!

    I'm Phoebe, and I'm super excited to have found this site. Looking forward to sharing and receiving encouragement and inspiration.

    I'm 21 years old and am a South Beach dieter. My husband and I have done South Beach in the past, and while we were successful in some ways, we fell off the bandwagon and have had a hard time hopping back on. Some things happened recently to help me realize that my husband and I really need to get our weight under control. I'm 5'6" and 225lbs. He's 6'1" and 350lbs.

    He is hesitant to start dieting again, as he feels he'll just end up disappointed. I'm going to do my best to inspire him by setting a positive example and preparing healthful foods.

    Anyways, here's to a healthy and happy 2013 for us all!

  • Hi Phoebe! Welcome to 3FC
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!