I'm gonna do it!!!!!!!!!!

  • Alll right! I went to the used book store today and I picked up a copy of the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels ( o yea, dance carrot man, dance)...and so I'M GOING TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! And I want to know whose going to do it (read that: suffer) with me? Come on ladies...how about a lil January challenge for we newbie peoples?
  • I did this DVD w/ 5p hand weights and got great results!! Go! Go! Go!
  • A few others are starting the Shred in the Exercise forum. Follow the link below. Good luck!

  • I have the DVD collecting dust and I too would like to do it! I go to the gym most days of the week, so I don't see myself doing it everyday, but I'd like to do it at least 3x a week. Good luck!
  • O GREAT! thanx so much ImImportant!

    Let's do this, Places! i'm sooo psyched...I start tomorrow...I'm going to wait to decide how often I'm going to do it until after I see it...but hopefully I'll be able to do it at least 4 times a week.
  • I love level 1...unfortunately I live in a shoebox of an apartment and was literally smacking into walls trying to do level 2 and 3, so I had to give it up. It's kinda sad that there's not a room in my apartment long enough to do a pendulum lunge >.<

    In any case, best of luck to you! Kick some butt
  • I'm not brave enough to do that yet, lol. Good luck!
  • mmm so am I supposed to Shred everyday? Or is it normal to do it like the 3 or 4 days?
  • I will join you!!!!

    Take your measurements before and after. Also take pictures. I am doing the same. They say it is best to do it every day, but some days you might be too sore to have the proper form and form is much more important that quantity. So I would only take a day between for breaks if you need a break, but no more than two days!
  • Hey Hurricane! Come over and join us under Exercise section! I've already completed my shred for the day but I'm about to do some other stuff on account of its a higher calorie day for me...I got my measurements and pics all ready ...

    Pen : try the Frontside/Backside collection. I bought them today and all ready viewed Frontside...its MUCH more beginner friendly then Shred...Frankly, if I didn't have the support of the forum, I don't think I could handle Shred right now either, but hanging with the girls and cursing the JILL makes me happy...SO I'm going to power thru...but check out the Frontside/Backside. Sports Authority in my area had them on Clearance for $6 a piece .
  • hmm... i could do a little 30DS challenge for january.... starting today would mean dragging my hungover as$ outta bed though... hum.... lol.
  • btw, i just made an official thread for a "January 30 day shred challenge"! please go join it if you're planning on doing 30DS this month!