South Beach Daily Chat for Thursday, December 20th

  • I was going to post in yesterday's thread, but I came here at like 10:30 or 11:00 and the thread was already closed. So I waited until after midnight and came to start this thread instead, LOL

    Stayed busy my 2 days off, but I had a really good time. Dinner w/ my cousin wound up being "dinner followed by coffee and girl talk which resulted in Connie not leaving until midnight even though she had a near 2 hour drive home and had to be up at 5 in the morning." That always seems to happen when we get together. I stayed w/ her for Dragon*con weekend and, even though we had to be up at 6, we ended up sitting up talking until 4 in the morning!!!

    I think it was jekel that asked if my move was still in the works for after the first of the year. Absolutely...and I am SO ready to get up there!!! I have applied for probably 3 dozen jobs or more and only 2 have even considered giving me a chance. I'm to the point now where I've lowered my standards and am applying for lower-paying hotel clerk jobs just to have something to move up there to. I do worry, though, that agencies will see that and think "hmm, a Sergeant who left her job, moved 1200 miles away, and took a job as a hotel clerk??? She MUST have gotten in trouble!!!" That couldn't be further from the truth, as my last annual evaluation that I just received in November was nothing short of stellar.

    Anyway, that was a long and winded opening post. Congratulations if you made it all the way...and if you made it through w/o grabbing a cup of coffee, you deserve a cookie!!! Okay, okay, I'll make it a whole wheat pumpkin chocolate chip cookie.

    How's everybody doing??? Anything exciting going on???
  • Natasha, so sorry. I certainly do not remember closing the thread but the log shows me I did at 10:14. Very strange as I was pretty sure I was in bed reading at that time. Do we have gremlins? Sounds like you had a great time with your cousin. I have a cousin like that - we ache from laughing for days after a visit.

    Great time with the dogs at Pet Therapy yesterday and they did get some turkey as a treat. When I came home I realized how much I have to do and put myself into high gear, starting my crockpot "cacciatore" for a few hours. it's back on again this morning and I have my fingers crossed that it turns out. I need to decide on pasta or rice and am leaning towards rice since it'd have to be a lot of pasta for 12 people. It's one of our co-operative "family" dinners and even the teens have decided to join us.

    Need to make a quick trip into town to exchange a gift for a BD on Saturday. Eric adores cats and I bought him a kitten calendar. When I got it home I realized it is all PINK - not a good choice for a 13 year old boy! Not sure what I was thinking but back it goes today. The weatherman is threatening a big storm heading through here from the mid-west tonight so I'd better just do it!

    It's trash morning so I'm about to hustle the bags out to the road, making sure the "lad's" Christmas card is conspicuously and securely attached. I think I am the only person in Delta who tips him and I sure get good service.

    Enjoy your day - 'tis the season to be jolly.
  • Good morning, Natasha, and everyone. I made it through your post, but cookies are off-limits for me. I've been doing way too much nibbling in the past few days and have to put a stop on it before it gets out of hand.

    Today's my Friday and I'm really looking forward to having 5 whole days off work. It will seem like vacation!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Good morning chicks! Natasha, what is your actual move date? That is so exciting for you! I hope the perfect job will show itself. I'm debating if a hotel clerk position would be interesting (all the different people!) or terrible (all the crabby/picky people!!). Keep us posted!

    Ruth, that's great everything went well. Me too on the high gear - at 5 pm on the way home from closing our refinance, my DH asked me "If you can relax now", since I had my whirlwind cooking session (since I got out of work late) for my neighbor. The great news is, ALL four of her older kids cleaned their plates! Woo hoo!

    Cottage - I am so jealous! Enjoy some of your time off!

    For me - I went to bed early (9:30), so woke up early and told myself to get on the bike, so exercise is done. I realized when I left work late yesterday, exhausted, that if I don't exercise in the AM, there's a good chance it won't happen. At least I got it done today. Then it's a long day of work, and downhill from there!!
  • Ruth - *gasp* You naughty naughty girl!!! You just didn't want me posting, huh??? Kidding. I am quite familiar w/ forum gremlins and am quite content to have recently put those days behind me. Funny thing about that, though, is that one of my mods actually sent me a Facebook message the other day asking if he should ban a spammer. I guess they're not used to me not being an admin just yet, even though it's been 2 months, LOL And yes, definitely take back the pink calendar, LOL

    Cottage - Good morning!!! Not even sugar-free whole wheat cookies??? I'm a bad influence, I know!!! LOL However, I must say, I just found a recipe tonight for pumpkin whoopie pies that I can easily tweak to be SBD friendly, so I can't wait to try THOSE out!!! Debating on whether or not to do them for the Cookie Exchange party I have on Saturday, though.

    Okay, off to bed I go, ladies. Have a good day!!!
  • Good morning.

    My son just made it home last night. His flight out of LA was quite late and due into Denver AFTER the next flight left for KC. It was touch and go until he landed and got on the plane. Then he sat and sat -turns out flight two was delayed for mechanical reasons. Lots of stress for us all but he made it. I suspect that next time rather than the free frequent flier flight, he'll pay a lot to fly non-stop!

    Meanwhile we got the promised snow! I think I stay snugly inside today Hmm... but maybe I need to take my son to stock up on his kind of groceries.

    Oh - I totally spaced off that we are belatedly hosting our family's Hanukkah tonight! Bummer for my husband manning the grill (and cooking steaks that he won't eat) outside. Later we'll also try to Skype with my older son to open Christmas gifts since he his leaving soon to make the rounds of friends's homes through Christmas.

    Have a good one.
  • Wow I get up earlier today and look at all the chatter

    Natasha when you find the perfect employer, your change of career will sho them you have an amazing work ethic and no job is beneath you. I imagine it will be easier to re-establish yourself in LE once you are a resident. Are most PDs civil service?

    Ruth I too tip the lads and get great service. I often think if I left a body out they would take it no questions asked. One morning they came up the driveway to help me get a super duper heavy can to the curb. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

    Linda no cookies is the best option. I was a cookie/crap eating horder yesterday. Seriously I went non stop shoveling it in all day! I did tweak my mom's oatmeal cookie recipe (not a complete failure) Subsituted almond flour in place of white, used Stevia in the raw instead of sugar. Cut the brown sugar from 1/2 cup to 2 TBs and used unsweetened coconut flakes. They are quite moist, but not too flavorful or sweet, but at least it is not too terrible of an indulgence.

    Tammy great job working out this morning. I am at Joe's so I will ride when I get home. Nothing strenuous probably while I watch TV

    OK P1 breakfast in the books, luckily we had eggs left over from the cookies. I am going to take care if a few little things here then off to buy gifts for Joe's nephews. Poor guy is not the greatest with these things, but what guy really is

    Enjoy this brisk morning!!
  • Natasha, if I really want to be naughty, I can think of many things other than closing a thread. Send me $100 and I'll send you my list!

    Cottage, enjoy your Friday. So glad you have the next five days off. If you left now, you could set the table for tonight's dinner party - after polishing the silver.

    Twynn, much as I hate dragging myself out the door before 7:30, I find that gym does set me up for the day.

    Karen, so glad your son made it home safely. I hope you can make a safe and fast trip into the snow for groceries. I love your avatar - a Hanukkah/Christmas combo!

    Jekel, I try not to do Christmas cookies as they seem to disappear around here. I think I have mice in my freezer. My friend Claire always brings a big platter of them for my Christmas Eve bash and I do have Christmas cake which I really don't like.

    The shopping centre in town opens at 9 so I'm outta here, pink kitten calendar in hand to return. Hope there is a cat calendar that is appropriate. If not, Plan B - if I figure one out!
  • Good morning,

    Natasha I will be sending good thoughts that a job that is perfect for you will open up

    Ruth definitely an exchange there lol

    Cottage enjoy your time, I am going to have almost two weeks off I will only work Thursday and Friday next week and the following week I am off the entire week.

    Tywnn atleast your son was thinking about you relaxing some lol

    Karen glad your son arrived safely, I do not like flying this time of the year prefer driving as you have a bit more control

    Jennifer that is nice of you to pick up things for Joe's nephews

    Today my calender is booked solid with meetings and a holiday pot lunch. We are expecting the rain to convert to snow later on this afternoon. I may have to get out of some of my meetings if it turns nasty as I have a 35 mile drive to get home.

    Have a great day everyone
  • Good Morning! I'm a girl, and I don't like pink! I can just imagine, what a 13yr. old would think! Good luck, returning the calendar!

    Natasha, where are you re-locating to? Good luck on the job hunt!

    I'm on Day 10, and it's going well. I can't wait for Phase 2 though! I am planning, on adding Blue-berries!

    God Bless, all of you!
  • WaistingTime - Glad to hear your son finally made it in. I've always been too chicken to fly anything except non-stop. And, honestly, some of the non-stop flights have been cheaper when I've looked. Besides, I don't need to go to Chicago when flying from Georgia to Florida, yanno??? LOL I love the idea of Skyping w/ your older son to open always makes me think of how amazed my grandparents would've been if they had lived long enough to see the capabilities we have these days.

    jekel - Thank you for your kind words. I really think it'll be much easier for me to find employement in public safety once I'm relocated. I understand people's reluctance and I've told them, I realize I'm behind the eightball BECAUSE of my location, but hopefully my qualifications make up for it. Most of the jobs I've found are civil service.

    Ruth - Hmmmm, me thinks being naughty could be fun...but I think I'll save my $100 and just let my imagination run wild instead, LOL

    Pearlrose - Thank you!!! I have slacked off somewhat on looking b/c I've gotten discouraged, but once the holidays are done I have to get back on it w/ a vengeance!!!

    Bella - I'm relocating to the Boston area. About an hour outside of Boston, actually. I'm excited, but I've gotten really discouraged w/ looking for work. Thanks!!!
  • Natasha, don't become a Patroits fan, no matter what! Lol, enjoy your new place, to be!