Isn't it amazing how we kid ourselves...!

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  • Here's the deal girls. If I lose another two pounds at this weeks weigh in, I'll try em on....does this sound silly, I'm really nervous about it....
  • I'm Excited about it..its so getting into smaller sizes
  • It is SO great going in to a shop, wanting a particular item of clothing, seeing it hanging up on the rail, not being too sure what actual size you are you take both sizes into the changing room and try on the largest first (old habits die hard!!)and the thought occurs that it really IS a little on the big side. So you hold your breath and gingerly take the smaller one off the hanger and slide it over you head and the other half up from the bottom over the thighs....and you suddenly look in the mirror and want to scream to the whole shop....IT FITS IT FITS!! I HAVE GOT INTO A SMALLER SIZE! I AM GOING TO KEEP THAT DIFFERENT LABEL FOREVER AND EVER AND....."well you get the picture of rapture!! NOW I CAN LOOK FOR A LIGHT BLUE/YELLOW TICKET ON THE RAIL and not have to rely on red/dark blue.