I am having a very hard time!

  • I have lurked around the Beach on and off for the last few years. Sometimes I post questions on this forum, sometimes I don't. What it comes down to though, is that I'm still here.

    I keep trying to make this lifestyle change, but it never actually happens. What is wrong with me?? They say you have to want it enough, does that mean I don't?

    Even as I type, I'm eating a giant piece of chocolate cake that was in the kitchen next to me at work. I've followed Phase 1 for two days now. Two teeny-tiny days. What happened??

    How do you stay on track??
  • Hi! I'm new here but not new to SB so I'll give you my two cents on this topic. I agree that it is really hard to stay on track. I think when you get it in your mind that you can't have something it is so hard not to think about that item constantly. At least that's how my mind works. I have to find other things to think about. One of the tricks I use is that when I start thinking about a certain food I find something to do that will keep my hands busy. I do quite a bit of crafting so I'll try to immerse myself in something that will take my mind off that forbidden fruit in the kitchen.

    To that end I have deemed my sewing room a food free space. I only allow myself a beverage and sugar free hard candies in there. I keep a really pretty jar of those SF candies and I try to always have a bottle of water handy. I love that room and look forward to spending time there. It's a place where all my favorite things live and I can throw a DVD on and just lose track of the world. I realize that not everyone has a designated room that is all theirs but maybe you can carve out part of a room that you can use this way.

    I wouldn't say you are struggling because you don't want it - who doesn't want to get healthier and look great?!? Life is just interfering. The common answer is to get the stuff (chocolate cake) out of your house so it's not there to trip you up. But I know that unless you live totally alone (and the store stops stocking up chocolate cakes and their ingredients) that is just not going to happen. I guess it all comes down to finding alternatives to eating the troublesome treats and it is helpful if the alternative to not eating the treat is something fun and enjoyable - the trick is finding that alternative because sometimes that chocolate cake looks like the most fun!

    Hang in there and keep coming back and posting! I've been a member on other weight loss boards in the past and they have been a big part of my success over the years. Especially when I didn't want to post!

  • I've followed SB for several years and have done PH1 more than once, sometimes it was very hard, other times, not so much. I have no idea why my motivation differed.

    I agree with Gabby that you should clean out your house as much as you can. For me it was hard because of my boys and husband.

    Preparation is important. Search through the recipes here and find some that look appetizing. There are delicious options and I always planned for leftovers. And things that are fast to fix if I am in a hurry. I made sure I had OP snacks around. Lots of options. And I find at this time of year that it helps me a lot to drink flavored decaf tea.

    I told myself that I could do anything for two weeks. Two weeks. That said, sometimes I had to just tell myself to get through the next 15 minutes. To find a distraction or have a drink or eat some veggies. Usually if I could wait out a craving for that long I was fine. And if that fails, eat something else on plan. The longer you go on PH1, the easier it gets.

    It is so easy to fall back into old habits. Making a lifestyle change is hard! Just take it one day, one meal, one mouthful at a time. Next time you are tempted by that cake, come here and read threads or look at recipes or write a post. That always helped me

  • I have a hard time staying on track also with most "diets". I'm also unemployed, going through a separation/divorce and very stressed in general right now. Add that I'm a computer person on top of it and it's pretty much a recipe for a health disaster.

    I haven't tried SB yet, but from what I've read about it, the first 2 weeks can be very difficult (especially week 1). I'm going to echo what the others have posted here since I'm going to try it myself, and say maybe it's about preparation. I'm holding off til the new year to begin because I know I'm setting myself up for failure to start right in the middle of the holidays. Right now I'm researching meal options and mapping out my food for the first 2 weeks so I'm not stuck last minute scratching my head and scrambling for ideas. I feel like if I plan, and even maybe write/print out what I'm looking at for those days I have a better chance of success. I'll likely post it somewhere in my house that I pass frequently along with a little calendar to mark off the days. Every day gone is another day closer to wellness!

    I'm going to steal Gabby's idea and make my bedroom a SFZ (Snack Free Zone). My computer and pretty much my life is centered around that room right now, so if I make a commitment to keep the snacks out that should help. I'm going to allow myself water/Crystal Light and that's it. I've found that having food very readily available is a downfall of mine. It's so easy to just reach over and grab those chips, or cookies, etc and really not even think about it. If I'm aware of having to get up and get it then I'm aware enough to make a better choice by the time I get to the kitchen if I really need that snack. Little things like that will be a quality of life change for me that's easy to do and will force me to be accountable with my decisions.

    Now that I'm a member of 3FC here, I'm going to try and be active with others. The community seems welcoming and nonjudgmental, so having others to discuss certain issues with will hopefully ease those diet blues. I know I'm not on the plan yet, but I hope I've helped you at least a little and let you know you aren't alone in struggling sometimes Feel free to message me!

  • I think it's 50% mental and 50% preparation. The mental is the will power and the want. The prep is clearing out the house, bringing your food with you and making sure you've got snacks that are on plan.

    We're here for you and it's a good place to post your menus and the like.

    Stay strong, start over and get to posting!
  • When I did P1 I kept reminding myself, I got myself here now I need to get myself to a better place. I planned, prepped and purged my house to set myself up for success. My son jokes and says I don't keep food in the house. I only buy him snacks that do not tempt me in the least. Crab chips, hot pockets and packaged ice tea do not temp me in the least.

    I try to indulge only when I go out or for a special occasion. I will make the day after a P1 day. I go up and down by about 4 pounds through the month. I am good with that because I am very aware. Some days it is just water weight. Also having a goal (not related to the scale) is good too. Maybe commit to a 5k or a charity event. Something that will make you push yourself. I took up cycling and love it. You need to make time for just you. I am not a fitness buff or a gym bunny, but I do like the changes I see. The occasional compliment helps too.

    The forum is a huge help to me. Checking in, even if just to chit chat reminds me I am not alone in this. The chicks really do care and pick you up when you need it and believe me we all do! The recipe section has been my savior as I am not talented in the kitchen at all.

    I do have my after dinner TV snack. No more grabbing a bag of chips or wheat thins. I enjoy an apple and cheese. Or Greek yogurt with an apple, cinnamon, almonds and a pinch of stevia. Raw veggies and hummus too. I will always struggle with emotional eating and mindless anxiety eating. When I do, my choices are much better than before.

    Hope this helps, please check in and don't hesitate to look to the chicks for help and advice.
  • Just wanted, to add my two cents! I lost weight on SBD, 8yrs. ago. I gained it back and more, because of a mental illness. I'm back on it, and it is tough, but not liking my body is worse. I commend you for wanting to change your life! We are here for you, but the hard part is almost over with. Happy Sunday, and God Bless.
  • It is a mental struggle and I know it is very difficult. I personally have an issue of eating when I get anxious. Anxiety is my personal downfall. Everyone has their own! But some stuff that helps me is exercise. If I exercise, it really annoys me to eat junk after because I worked so hard to burn it off. Also, I avoid buying tempting things or find other activities to do. The less you think about food, the better. Also, always be prepared. Have lots of yummy SBD friendly food at home and check the recipes section. You'll be surprised at some of the healthier alternatives and how good they taste to help you get over that craving!
  • Well, I'm awfully glad I found this. I too have flirted with South Beach more than once, and I've finally made up my mind that out of all the diets I've tried, this is the one that can truly be a lifestyle. But that means jumping off the cliff and really committing. I feel I'm finally ready.

    I guess it's time to dust off the SB books and start reading again. I start tomorrow.

    Oh, if anyone's interested, Dr. A has a new book coming out in April about South Beach Diet and gluten free eating.

    Nice to meet you.
  • A lot of being able to stay on track is a mental thing. You can look at it as being deprived of some foods or look at it as a choice. You can choose to eat what will get you to your goal and choose to postpone eating those things that don't support your efforts. Looking at it as a choice has made a huge difference for me.
  • Very good point Quilter. Thanks.