A healthy start

  • Hey my name is Bri and ive gone through a weight loss roller coaster. I am 22 years old and and I was always a fat kid until i was about 15 and 16 years old, I lost a ton of weight in a very short amount of time in a very unhealthy way and when I entered college I gained it all back plus some. Now I am ready to take the weight off and keep it off for good by loosing slowly in a healthy way! I dont plan on starving myself or going on any sort of "diet" I plan on eating healthy, well balanced food and exorcising at least 30 mins a day for 5 days a week. On the other hand I also dont plan on depriving myself of what I enjoy, I mean come on its the holidays im not going to be the stiff who passes up the desert, it will just be an occasional thing.

    to sum it up I want to reach my goal weight between 150 and 140 lb to feel better about my self-image and to be healthy. I am guessing my current weight is between 300 and 315 (I dont have a scale and I dont plan on getting one either) for me its about how i feel and knowing I did a good job, not hoping to loose 10 lbs then waisting all my feel good attitude if I dont meet that goal.

    A motivational buddy wold be nice to help keep me on track and staying active.
  • Welcome! Your plan sounds great! Glad you decided to join us
  • I'm also 22 years old!!! I have kind of the same story. I was never skinny, but then when I was about 16 or 17, I lost a ton of weight QUICK, the second I started eating again, I obviously gained it all back QUICK. lol
    I went to nursing school in 2008, weighing about 150 when I started, came out in 2009 weighing 196!!! I kept steady at that weight until New Years Eve last year. My resolution for 2012 was to get rid of this weight!!! IDK what changed or lit a fire under me, but I lost about 41 lbs. Almost all the weight I gained in nursing school. I kept it off for a while, but over the last few months I've gained about 14 lbs back. So i'm trying really hard to lose back those 14 lbs, plus the remainder of my goal which would be another 20 - 25 lbs. I started getting back on track this week, and have already lost 6 lbs towards my goal!
    If you need a motivational buddy, I'll be here!!!
    I just joined this site, and need one too!!!

    Good luck, you can do it!!!