Dieting all my life, and i'm still fat.

  • Hi dolls, First post and I'm sorry it's a question/rant.
    With new year just around the corner, I'm in weight loss mode.
    Having tried every diet ever, and being a firm believer in frequent exercise and an active life, ive always been freaking confused why i've always been overweight/obese.
    Then it occured to me, the only times I haven't been overweight or obese was when I wasn't dieting at all, was rarely exercising and was extremely carefree; I ate practically everything till I was stuffed, and then a slice of cake to top it off- and that whenever I eat "healthily" or am on a diet and exercise like it's my job and am highly stressed I always see the tummy pouch come on and the moment I even slightly slow down, the pounds PILE on. *edit- pounds and very obvious inches
    If I've tried every diet imaginable, and exercise like it's my job, and am always stressed- do you think it's possible that my body simply rejects conventional health and weight loss methods and will only allow me to feel comfortable and love my body when I'm acting like calories/fat/sugar/carbs/exercise don't exist?

    My have-always-been-dieting-since-i-was-two instincts tell me i'm being crazy and to burn calories; but my brain's telling me that if I always experience headaches on diets, never achieve anything aside from a few extra rolls of flab after all that effort (3 hours brisk walking a day + incidental leading up to an average of 20,000 steps, including religious calorie counting and strict diets!) , and that if it looks like the ole' muffin top comes from stress-
    could it be that my personal answer to quick and permanent weight loss is simply living like a total lush and flipping the bird to conventional weightloss?

    What should I do??

  • It's possible that you psychologically see a diet as starvation and between that and over-exercising you are then overeating later. I tend to do that.

    You probably would do better on a lifestyle change where portion control and calorie counting isn't necessary. Low carb diets often don't require portion control. By design they get rid of highly processed foods, sugar, and grain and so the foods that spike your insulin and cause fat gain are gone from your diet. The foods that cause satiety and stabilize your blood sugar are what you eat. But you need to see it as a lifestyle, not a diet.
  • Oh gosh.. I do understand. I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. At my heaviest, I hit 214 pounds. I'm only 5'1, so this was terrible for me and my self esteem. I've had success with low carbing, but I gained most of it back because I didn't work on my thought process as well. I never tried to get to the most important problem, "Why do I live the way I do?"

    Recently, I started doing some fasts here and there and I have learned a GREAT deal about myself. I have learned that I eat the junk that I do because it's stimulation for me. Like drugs, sex and bunjee jumping.. for me food made me feel more alive. I would never overeat, but what I did eat was bad. So when I started fasting, I noticed that even after missing a few meals, I wasn't REALLY hungry. I just WANTED to eat. Big difference. I was craving the process of eating.. not the food. The taste and the full feeling. Yeah, that's what I wanted. So, now I know what I need to work on.

    Maybe if you see a counselor or really dig into why you have the habits you do, it can help?
  • Without knowing what diets you tried it's hard to say why they didn't work. Most calorie-restrictive diets do make your body go into a panic and your own body hankers down and doesn't want to let go of excess weight. Some people think that exercise is the key to losing weight but I have found out that it is not. Exercise keeps me active, helps me release stress, improves my circulation, burns calories, and makes me feel good. But unless your diet improves it's not a guarantee that it will make you lose weight. Cutting out processed food, NO sugar or sugar substitutes, being mindful of my carbs, and eating regularly enough throughout the day so that I don't go into panic hunger keeps me sane. If I have sugar it sends me into a tailspin and makes me crave more. I also avoid low-fat items like mayo labeled low-fat because foods like these have added sugar. Read ingredients - it's amazing how many foods have sugars added to them.
  • You might have been 'dieting' wrong, but I don't know what kind of diets you've tried in the past. For me, personally, I've also tried many diet plans and they have always failed. And like you, I find that when I'm not following a plan I get the best results. But I think the reason for me is that when I'm following a diet plan, be it meal replacements, diet foods, meal delivery, what have you, I'm not eating the right things. Most of that stuff aren't good for you, I think. At least, not for any long term lifestyle changes. You can't live off shakes. Nutrisystem and the like are all processed and carb heavy. My body wasn't getting all the nutrients it needed. That led me to be tired so I didn't work out as much as I should've. It also led me to be hungry a lot so I'd eventually cheat. None of this was good for my weight loss. Right now I'm not following a plan. I'm just eating more fruits and veggies than I ever have, I've cut out almost all processed foods and sweets, and I'm eating regularly throughout the day instead of one or two large meals. It's hard to say why it hasn't worked for you, but it might've been the same reasons I had. You don't have to necessarily follow a diet plan to lose weight--or even count calories. I'm doing neither, because they don't work for me. Just make smarter choices about what you put into your body. Don't skip meals. Be active. If you do those things regularly, you'll get the best long term results.
  • Diets don't work. Lifestyle changes do. Piling it on and eating all you want and not exercising will bite you in the behind.
  • You might want to try making small incremental changes, so that you don't feel like you are giving up everything at once. Maybe try cutting out sugar and just doing a little walking each day. Once you feel comfortable with that, you can try to increase the amount of veggies you eat, then switch to whole grains etc.
  • Thanks to everyone for responding!
    Holy tacos. I went to my doctor, and it turns out I have a hyperactive thyroid and since I diet so frequently and am very active, my body has gotten used to being in "starve" mode, so it's been saving eeeeevery bit of energy possible as a reserve. I haven't been giving my body enough nutrients so all my dieting and exercise has achieved is lost muscle mass and thus increased body fat. Go. Frickin. Figure.
    The tummy "pooch" is due to my short torso, I have been exercising the wrong muscles and ignoring the important ones!
  • Quote: Diets don't work. Lifestyle changes do. Piling it on and eating all you want and not exercising will bite you in the behind.
    Exactly! Well said! A healthful eating style and regular (not obsessive) exercise is the key.