Maintainers Vol 9

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  • Scorbett,
    If your calorie requirement at 150 & training is going to be 2250, I'd phase off at 160, but keep the max calorie level as if you were maintaining 150. That should both allow for a really slow (1/4 lb per week) weight loss AND have you get used to eating what it is going to take to maintain at 150. Maybe that way you would both have the calories to train thru September AND be 10 lbs thinner. Well, if that whole calories in, calories out stuff is true.
  • Quote: Scorbett,
    If your calorie requirement at 150 & training is going to be 2250, I'd phase off at 160, but keep the max calorie level as if you were maintaining 150. That should both allow for a really slow (1/4 lb per week) weight loss AND have you get used to eating what it is going to take to maintain at 150. Maybe that way you would both have the calories to train thru September AND be 10 lbs thinner. Well, if that whole calories in, calories out stuff is true.
    LOL actually that makes pretty good sense. It would definitely give me a better idea whether 150 was too low for me to maintain comfortably or not (I think that's a fear playing into my thought process here). So much to figure out!
  • Quote: Lizzy63: The National Weight Control Registry which publishes studies on maintenance recommends a 3 percent range of your goal weight..3 percent under and 3 percent over. For me that is 3 pounds. If i am in my range, I usually do not do P1. However, lately I have been at the higher end of my range and am working on moving to the lower end.
    I am also doing weight training (well, P90x, which includes some weight training) and I'm curious about muscle gain and how that will affect my weight and measurements. Are there good threads or resources to help when doing heavy exercising during maintenance? I'm 55 and haven't really worked out in 15 years, so not sure how age, etc. will play into things.

    My 3% range is about 5 pounds on either side of my goal weight. I cheated a couple of days last week and for New Years, but back in the saddle, for sure. never got over my 5 pound range, regardless, but was living at a couple pounds under my goal weight, so a week of P1 outght to get me back where i want to be.

    Happy New Year, everyone, and thanks so much for the help and support, as always!!!!
  • My personal trainer said it takes about 2 weeks of heavy lifting to gain a pound of muscle, and that includes 55 yos.
  • scorbett1103 I think you'll be surprised at how fast your body responses to excersise. The first time I got on a tread mill and said "alright, lets see what this sucker (my body) can do" and I did 20 minute run 2 minute walk 20 minute run. The next time after that I didn't need the walk. For me, I ignored what I thought was muscle fatigue which is why I'm taking a break from running. But by the sounds of it you have a basis already so your body will remember. (and now reading "running injury free" lol)

    So I agree with infoplease, go till your goal
  • Scorbett: If you find yourself thinking 150 is too low, then you can change your eating and stop losing. It is hard to realize that nothing is can always your journey! Good luck with all of your explorations on running and maintaining.

    Ishabel: I could not open up that site on my IPAD..I am definitely interested in anything on sugar and the bitter truth. I was just reading that you can get your insulin resistance changed and back to normal..but if you start eating sugar and carbs again, you will develop insulin resistance again. I am ordering a new book called " Fat Chance, Beating the odds against processed foods, obesity and Disease" by Lustig. He says our processed foods have sugar in 80 percent of them. He said the food industry found that by adding sugar to everything, people bought the foods more.

    Fishette; That was interesting about taking two weeks to gain a pound of muscle..and I gather very strenuous training.

    ChiliheadKen: I do not know any sites. However, has a fitness message board with people fairly knowledgeable about fitness. I am considering going to my gym and having my body fat tested again..and maybe talking to a trainer. Great job of staying in your goal range over the holidays.

    LoriKay: I hope going back to work makes you feel better. Accomplishing things at work can make you feel more in control. I am visiting my family without my husband. I miss him also.

    So everyone is wearing sweaters as it is 72 degrees and cold for HI., I am in heaven.
  • maile Just go onto YouTube and search "the skinny on obesity". It's from Dr. Lustig from Uni Cal that originally had "Sugar - the bitter truth". It's 7 episodes with some 'extras'. Quite like the bit of the mitochondria and making your cells 'sick', explains a lot.

    After watching it yesterday the VIP said "If it's so bad, why isn't there a campaign to reduce it more".

    Also found this article today (and sent it to him):

    I think there is a lot of info out there but you have to want to read it and research it. Can't say I was one of those people when I was heavy.

    Kinda slow day at work today (not too many people around still) so between filing I'm doing a lot of reading on weight articles in the Health sections of the news. Lots of them out there due to 'new years' and everyone's obvious weight goals in the new years.
  • Quote: Couldn't agree more, Evepet! I end up eating a lot of Granny Smith apples, greek yogurt, berries, and pecans for snacks. I would love to have some other options.
    Quote: I keep eating nuts for snacks..I never seem to be tired of them..humus and veges? I can't believe all of the junk in the stores either...much of what I used to buy. I even threw out my beloved chocolate covered Mac nuts this year.

    2012 blessed me in so many ways and well, 2013...I BE GITTIN' HITCHED!!!! YEEEEHAW!!!

    evepet I like turkey/chicken sticks with cheese strings (one or the other or both). I generally keep my night snack to berries and yogurt. I have to stay away from nuts as they are a weakness so I won't eat them during the week.
    Thx guys. I forgot about hummus.... used to really like it. And I think I like nuts too well!... found it hard to keep away from them yesterday, and that fat content sure does add up. Of course I haven't had any in 10 months or so, so the impulse was stronger than usual. Probably the novelty levels out somewhat...? I've pretty much decided that I want to go back to P1 for an additional -10lbs in the near future, so I'd better not over-stock on allowed maintenance items. I'll be wanting to eat them all up by next Monday, at which time I'm now thinking I'll switch back to P1 again.

    I'm not at all sorry that I phased out though. It's been a very welcome change, both physically and emotionally. My weight loss had grown so slow, and eventually stalled... the switch a few weeks ago to P3 for a few days then back to P1 seemed to shock my system into weight loss mode again, and I'm hoping that by being on P3 for two weeks and now maintenance for a week, that I'll have good success again when I switch back to P1 to tackle this extra 10 lbs that I've decided I want gone. And of course I'll phase out properly again, once I get there.

    Thx again everyone. Hope you all are having a good day.
  • I haven't received any motifications from this site, so it's been out of sight. Oops. I'm back! A bit over where I want to be. The holidays were rough!

    I am not weighing myself in 2013, but I still have weigh-in at the clinic. Friday is next.

    Welcome new maintainers!
  • Darn - still dangling at 146! Was hoping to go a little lower on the safe zone - I suspect the new class I started (Nike Training Club - super awesome bootcamp-style class) has me a little swelled up as I am sore in places I haven't been sore at in a long time. Definitely a butt-kicker....but in a good way!

    Trying out a new recipe tonight for dinner - lobster mac & cheese. Using pumpkin puree, low fat ricotta, & low fat mozzarrella in lieu of typical sauce of butter, cheese, & flour and adding in kale. I was going to use miracle noodles, but was reminded there are protein supplement noodles now! Will be hitting up the low-carb grocerer to see what they have. Hubby will like that better.

    Quote: My personal trainer said it takes about 2 weeks of heavy lifting to gain a pound of muscle, and that includes 55 yos.
    That sounds about right. Also remember you will see an immediate scale jump (up) after starting strenuous exercise as your muscles are retaining water for the tear&repair process done for building them. After a week or so and it is flushed and you've got shiny new muscles! Hoping that's what I'm going through!!!!

    Quote: scorbett1103 I think you'll be surprised at how fast your body responses to excersise. The first time I got on a tread mill and said "alright, lets see what this sucker (my body) can do" and I did 20 minute run 2 minute walk 20 minute run. The next time after that I didn't need the walk. For me, I ignored what I thought was muscle fatigue which is why I'm taking a break from running. But by the sounds of it you have a basis already so your body will remember. (and now reading "running injury free" lol)

    So I agree with infoplease, go till your goal
    I would consider going Phase 1 to goal. You will find training to be MUCH easier at a lower weight. I was running before IP, ~3miles@~12-13min/mile - my first time on a treadmill after reaching goal I could go WAAAAAY faster and WAAAAY farther, even after 22 weeks of zero running/training. I definitely consider myself athletic now and couldn't have performed so well at a higher weight. Maybe consider sticking to a strict Phase 3 at least when you get to 'close enough' - adding in exercise you should still be able to lose, and you can do high intensity in P3 without the fear of damage/breaking down muscle since your glycogen reserves are built up.

    Quote: I haven't received any motifications from this site, so it's been out of sight. Oops. I'm back! A bit over where I want to be. The holidays were rough!

    I am not weighing myself in 2013, but I still have weigh-in at the clinic. Friday is next.

    Welcome new maintainers!
    Missed you Bahama Mama! I've been around, but lurking on my phone...although I did get woefully behind posts over the holidays - just when I need y'all the most!
  • Maile: Thanks for the website. I'll definitely check it out. Let us know what your trainer says. I don't have one of those, except my son who is helping me from afar! lol

    Liz: Can you give me the info for the protein noodles? My wife might like those. She def doesn't like the miracle noodles, and she does the Weight Watcher thing. And thanks for the info on water retention after starting strenuous exercise. I was trying to make sense of a 5 pound weight gain when I know I didn't overindulge that much from Christmas to New Years. But I started P90X on Christmas Day and have been focused on the workouts! Could that explain it?

    Thanks to all for the help, info, ideas, and support! You have made my transition to a newer, healthier me much easier and "doable"!!
    Happy 2013,
  • Quote: Liz: Can you give me the info for the protein noodles? My wife might like those. She def doesn't like the miracle noodles, and she does the Weight Watcher thing. And thanks for the info on water retention after starting strenuous exercise. I was trying to make sense of a 5 pound weight gain when I know I didn't overindulge that much from Christmas to New Years. But I started P90X on Christmas Day and have been focused on the workouts! Could that explain it?
    IP has a rotini pasta:
    I am heading to the local low-carb grocer now, this is a product they have that looks promising:

    I bet your muscles are just holding on to water right now - P90X is pretty intense so no doubt you are going to be having some tear & repair!
  • Hi Everyone,- Happy New Year!
    Sorry to repeat this to anyone who has read it in the other thread, but I think this one might be a more appropriate place for my question. In my coach's office last week, she mentioned something about a paper with foods to avoid in phase 4. She talked about dried fruits and nuts as some of the foods on the list, but she didn't have a copy of the list for me to take. Does anyone know/have the list of foods she is talking about? Or is there any other foods I should add to the no nuts, no dried fruits list? Thanks so much!!
  • Thanks so much for your input everyone! I still haven't decided whether I'll lower my goal or not (as it stands I am 6.6lbs from my current goal) but I feel a little better about being able to hit the ground running when I DO decide to stop
  • I am salivating over lobster Mac & Cheese! That sounds delicious!

    I'm subscribed to this thread. I wonder why I'm not getting notifications.

    I mostly phone post. It kinda bites, but it's usually easy to keep up at least.