Order IP products online...feeling like I don't need a coach

  • Hello. Started IP 10/05 and have been thinking that I may want to begin order products online as i see my coach once a week for no longer than 10 minutes. Also, she never measures me, call to check in, is available when I call and quite frankly the staff at the clinic can be rude. For ex I ran out of executive stress a multivitamin I take twice a day and called while I was out of town to see if they would recommend something from Walgreens in the interim. Anyways, one of the staff, not a coach said idk and then I asked about possible impacts as a result of skipping it and her response was its suggested you take it for a reason. He did not offer to ask one of the coaches or anything. Really ticked me off. I feel like I have done this program alone and with tr support here. All I do is weigh and pick up food which I would like to begin ordering onljne if possible. Anyone know of if I can do that?I feel confident about my own ability to stay motivated.
  • I hear ya. I order my IP products from here:
    and most of the time I get it at 10% with the code "november" (but I'm sure that will change next month) and don't pay taxes or shipping.

    I've started doing this because the closest clinic to me is 110 miles round trip and that's an awful long way to drive just to get weighed and measured and then pay more than I pay online to buy my food. I'm seriously considering NOT going to weigh in every week, maybe every other week would work. I dunno.
  • I've been learning as much as i can from the alternatives thread. I really need to cut the cost for me
  • You can get IP products from www.plainprotein.com - I get all of my supplements from them even though I use "alternative" products.

    When you are paying a premium for IP products you should be getting the support you need from your clinic. Also, I remember you mentioning the "Executive Stress" supplement - if your clinic was selling that to you as an "IP" product, I don't believe it is. Sounds like there is a lot going on there that leaves much to be desired. Is there any possibility of checking into another clinic in the area? I only ask because it's tough to do it on your own, if you are going to buy IP anyway you might be able to find a clinic that is better suited to your needs.
  • Wow! I'm going through much of the same right now!
    I have been off and on IP for the last year, but in the last 2 months have been completely on protocol, going to see my coach every week and buying IP products from him. I went for my weigh in on Tuesday and he tells me they are switching products to ProtiDiet, and charges me $25 a box. I did a bit more research yesterday and I can buy these same products on line for $13. I do better on the program when I have someone to be accountable to and track my progress, but I'm not sure it's worth the money anymore!
  • Quote: Wow! I'm going through much of the same right now!
    I have been off and on IP for the last year, but in the last 2 months have been completely on protocol, going to see my coach every week and buying IP products from him. I went for my weigh in on Tuesday and he tells me they are switching products to ProtiDiet, and charges me $25 a box. I did a bit more research yesterday and I can buy these same products on line for $13. I do better on the program when I have someone to be accountable to and track my progress, but I'm not sure it's worth the money anymore!
    WHAT?! Charging IP prices for alternative products?! Yeah, fire them for sure! That's disgusting.

    I've used ProtiDiet and ProtiThin exclusively and have had no problems following on my own. The accountability and support would be nice, but not for an extra 12 bucks a box!
  • Suchawittygal-Thanks for the information. I do think I will begin ordering online. I checked it out last night and I love that it ships free too.
    Scorbett- All the supplements they offer are not Ideal Protien but Douglas Labratories which is a bit suspect. I have not looked into other clinics but may do so soon as I am not feeling like its worth a visit each week. However, I only have another 5-10lbs that I want to loose so it may not be worth it.
  • Quote: Wow! I'm going through much of the same right now!
    I have been off and on IP for the last year, but in the last 2 months have been completely on protocol, going to see my coach every week and buying IP products from him. I went for my weigh in on Tuesday and he tells me they are switching products to ProtiDiet, and charges me $25 a box. I did a bit more research yesterday and I can buy these same products on line for $13. I do better on the program when I have someone to be accountable to and track my progress, but I'm not sure it's worth the money anymore!
    That is awful!!! Does he think people are stupid? $13 is the regular price of abox of protidiet and there are always discouts available on varieous products so often you can get it for less than $13.

    I found it difficult with a coach because the expectation you "had" to lose 2-3 pounds a week which wasn't going to happen at my age and because I had eaten very low carb for years and had lost 40+ pounds on my own very slowly. But some people have very good experiences with their coaches.
  • There are several of us holding ourselves accountable through MyFitnessPal. Friend me if you would like to join us: 3fcFishette
  • Week 2 I am doing great. Trying to keep it going...thanks for the assistance.
  • Quote: There are several of us holding ourselves accountable through MyFitnessPal. Friend me if you would like to join us: 3fcFishette
    Hi, Fishette. May I friend you, too? I'd like to start using MFP but haven't gotten the hang of it.
  • Absolutely!
  • Hi there...
    I am self coaching and getting all my inspiration here! I use My Fitness Pal on my iphone and am still learning the tabs and options! I find this forum very encouraging! I also bought my IP from Pure Protein as well as daily vitamins. All is good if I could just stay OP!

    Candy Canes are my nemesis!