WOW Women on WEED Jump start for New Year Challenge!

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  • Happy Sunday!

    W: It's a reverse culture shock to me that people think it's odd that I only drink water (and my morning coffee).
    E: Longest run ever yesterday, in both time and distance!! I was very slow, but I was also the only one who didn't stop to walk at any point! Yay endurance!
    E: Portions are still awesome, and I was so exhausted from the workout that I didn't even think about something sweet in the evening! Not even a craving! This is monumental people!
    D: Look what I can do!

    Today will be mostly spent trying to motivate me to take my sore muscles out for the totally short 35 minute workout. But it's only 30°F out right now, and I think I'll save that torture for Saturdays when I HAVE to do should be around 60° later today.
  • Espresso, 60 sounds like heaven. High for here Wednesday is 11. Ick. Although i think it is supposed to be in the 20's today. Great job on the run!!!

    W 100
    E Crunches, planks and stairsx2
    E POP, packing breakfast and lunch is working for me
    D Think positive, maybe it will be slow at work since so many have the day off.
  • Ahhh... this darn weather is lying to me....

    Sorry to hear about the 30's and 11!!!! What the heck. Its a blustery 80 degrees here. Hard part is that I KNOW its going to get cold again.

    I didn't make it back Friday, ate fairly crappy all weekend, and weighed in up 1.2 lbs this morning. I'm back to it though. Juiced all day, having a meatless monday dinner. My goal is 208 by Feb 1st.

    Mavie - the dreadmill. Seriously, you are my hero. I could not do it right now. As a matter of fact, exercise and I have split up for the moment.
    Expresso.... wahoo on no cravings! My husband insists on watching the food channel so I always want everything, now!
    Momtopands - I like your snack station info!

    Welp, gonna go eat. Can't wait to chew something!
    W: 64+
    E: 10,000 steps is my new daily goal.
    E: Juice all but dinner, then eat something healthy!
    D: One day at a time.
  • Morning!

    Kris, 10k steps is awesome, I gotta dig my pedometer out.

    W 100
    E C25k tonight, repeating week6, crunches, plank and stairsx2
    E POP
    D If I can get out of work at a reasonable time, it helps
  • Been super busy and haven't been here. Weight is screwing with my mind. Can't figure this body out right now. When I think I should lose I gain, and vice versa. SSSOOO frustrated right now. I will check back in later. Must go to work.

    Oh by the way it is -8 here. Yes, negative!!
  • 4" of fresh snow & minus temps where I lived the past 11 years, the pictures are beautiful and I'm a little homesick...until I see the gorgeous blue sky outside! I'm not yet acclimated so I make the comment that everyone here complains of how cold it is, but nobody needs to button up their coat or wear a scarf and hat!

    W: Good, great, no problemo
    E: I had so many vegetables on my plate last night I almost forgot to take a stab at the chicken.
    E: Still sore from Saturday's workout, did my off-day training, and tonight is "speed work" with the group.
    D: No Pain, no gain.

    Me and my scale are having a disagreement.
  • Espressowhip - sounds wonderful to me!

    W - 64oz
    E - complete day 2 of second week of boot camp NEWO
    E - stay in plan, make lunch for work tonight and figure out points before i leave
    D - Focus on thinking and speaking positive things to myself and those around
    me. I will succeed this time! "You can hurry up and fail or take your time and
    win." I say this time I will WIN!
  • Okay I am looking for a little help. I am trying to figure out what makes this body lose. So I am going to post some info everyday and see if I can figure it out. DOn't know how much to eat or if I should eat more on workout days etc. So here goes.

    Day 1- 1480 calories no workout.
  • Training last night was great! I did great!

    And I didn't come in last, which was more important to me than I realized. Alas, last night's training has me considering if my positive-thinking campaign has brainwashed me into overreaching by doing the half-marathon...

    W: on track
    E: "short" workout today
    E: Evening workout totally curbed my evening appetite!
    D: Unless you show your body it can do more, it won't.
  • Hey ladies -

    Still here, sorry busy house here at the moment, hubs is in California for business so I'm holding down the fort. Craziness will settle when he gets back Friday night. Until then, trying to minimize the stress eating! Aiming for no gain this week, that would be a victory

    Mindy - post whatever you need to, maybe we can help you figure it out

    Espresso - woot on the run, 2013 is a long year, you can always aim for a 1/2 towards the end of the year. Don't get discouraged! On the weather, I grew up in upstate NY - not feeling particularly homesick right now with the snow they're getting!

    After two months of delayed shipments my sports bra is finally on it's way...yay!
  • W - 64oz
    E - Interval workout
    E - Stay withing points
    D - Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his
  • Morning all.
    Crappy days for the last few. Sorry to see some of you feel the same. Mindy, I feel your pain!
    W 100
    E Did C25K again last night, today crunch, plank, starisx2
    E POP
    D Keep at it.
  • Day 1- 1480 calories no workout. 179.4
    Day 2- 1654 calories 30 min. treadmill run and 35 min. weight room 178.4

    Okay now if that happened everyday I worked out life would be great, but it doesn't. Let's see what today holds.
  • I opted not to get on the scale today because I didn't want to risk a decline in my mood - I have too much to do. I have a lot going on that's tied into my self-worth, so I need to choose my battles carefully.

    W: I was up 3 times last night, indication that I'm well hydrated.
    E: XTrain day
    E: No appetite yesterday made my portions on point
    D: If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never my case it's persevere through unrelenting self-doubt.

    I always have a plan B, or plan C, that I can live with just as well as my plan A. The worst case scenario for the 1/2 is that I walk some of the way. I'll do another 1/2 this year, maybe 2. It's a good event distance to keep my fitness commitment strong. I wouldn't be this devout if it were *just* a 5 or 10k, although those are fun events too.

    I hope everyone is staying healthy through this cold and flu season!
  • Day 1- 1480 calories no workout. 179.4
    Day 2- 1654 calories 30 min. treadmill run and 35 min. weight room 178.4
    Day 3- 1564 calories 30 min. treadmill run and 30 min weight room. 178.4

    See this is what I mean. Do the same thing as the day before with no results. Probably won't make the gym today, so think I should cut back on calories. Let's see what happens.