Work and eating/grumpy boss and just venting!

  • After working at the same place for 8 years, my boss told me, and just me the other day, I can no longer eat in the building.

    One person complained that they saw me eating!

    It wouldn't be so bad, but it's just me that was singled out.

    What happened is, I work for a veterinarian, there is me the vet tech, the vet and a part time person. A person dropped off a dog for his buddy, while the vet tech, was getting the info, I went hunting for one of our leashes to take the dog to a run, in the meantime I had one bite of a breakfast sandwich left so I put it in my mouth and came around the corner with my mouth full and put our leash on the dog and took it to a run.

    For whatever reason, the "client" was offended and walked out and called my boss and complained.

    Ok, I get that, but my boss could not just say, hey, check the food at the door.

    He came in and asked me "how was your breakfast?" I said "ok"

    Thinking not a big deal, then he ambushed me, with, "A client complained, "i DON'T CARE IF YOU EAT AT HOME OR IN YOUR CAR OR THE PARK OR WHERE EVER, BUT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EAT IN THIS BUILDING EVER AGAIN!

    Needless to say I felt very ambushed. So the other day the vet walks in and I'm giving a dog a bath and he asks me if I'm still having fun and I'm wondering is this trick question?

    Anyway, I get to work at 7:30 get a break at 10 and go to lunch at 12:30, then a break at 3 and off at 5. I'm starving! In the mean time everyone else gets to have snacks and eat in the office. The vet tech had errands to run yesterday, and brought his lunch back and ate it in the office when he got back from his hour lunch. But, I can't eat anything in the building!

    I do have to say that the boss has been unusally grumpy lately and has been on all our butts, we can't even breath right for the last 2 weeks.

    Just venting, Thank you all for bearing with me!
  • That's really bizarre, I'm sorry it has become an issue. I can see not eating near the front with customers, but surely there must be a break room or back room that is fine for eating it? And not applying the rule equitably is just plain bad managerial policy.

    I'd be slightly peeved, too, if I were you!
  • Sorry, this happened to you. Sounds like your boss is stressed out and took it out on you! Maybe when things have cooled down you can have a calm conversation about it. Hopefully with you putting in 8 years with the company you and the boss have an amicable relationship. Maybe in his "rage" he said whole building but in reality meant break room. You shouldn't be in an uncomfortable work envirnoment. Hope it works out!
  • Others can eat in the building but you can't? That's messed up. I'd be having a conversation with my boss.
  • That is absurd that you are being singled out. I would definitely talk to someone about that. You should be respected to the same level everyone else is respected.
  • This is probably going to be unpopular but I can understand why your boss said what he did. You were eating in front of a customer, which seems a bit inappropriate. Yes, the boss overreacted a bit but perhaps if you go to him with a conciliatory attitude and apologize... and assure him it will never happen again... he will lighten up.
  • Sounds very strange and unfair; hope it all works out!
  • I'm sorry. That sounds really awful