TGIF on the Beach - November 15

  • Rise and shine, Beachers. The sun is still sleeping although it's gray out there and it looks like another clear and cold day. November is usually grey skies and rain but we have been blessed with sunshine this year.

    I am pushing myself to go to the gym this morning - sleeping until six was a help. No idea what'll be on tap after that although I do have several huge ivy plants on my kitchen counter just waiting to be trained into a wreath shape for Christmas. I also have about a dozen spider plant babies waiting to be potted. It smells like an earthworm's bathroom out there. Gotta get that cleared up before the weekend. Once my kitchen is cleared, I will tackle that big pot of chicken stock and either boil it way down to freeze or make soup.

    What's on your plan for the day? (I always make a plan but seldom get it all done.)
  • An earthworm's bathroom, Ruth? Ewww.

    I finally fell into a deep sleep right before dawn, and then overslept. I don't work today, but it still gets my schedule all out of wack, and I'm still waiting for the bathroom to clear out so I can have my shower. In the meantime, I just finished my second mug of coffee and I really have to pee!!!!
  • Good morning chicks! I'm with Cottage, ewwww on the earthworm's bathroom!! LOL...

    I don't work until 2, but I have a couple of chores, then a run, and then a house appraisal at 11:30. We should save $200-300/month by refinancing! WOOT WOOT! Afterwards, I also get a haircut done, then off to work. Tonight, DH and I have a date, with a Pure Cane Sugar concert (playing the music to O Brother Where Art Thou) to go to. YouTube them, they're awesome!!

    Looks like I should be plenty tired by tonight! It will be a coffee kinda afternoon, so that I'll actually stay awake tonight...
  • Good morning from Burlington I'm not going to tell you what it cost me to have a pot of Starbucks coffee in the room but this morning it's worth every penny It was a very late night after our event and it's very cold out.

    Today I"m working up here until midafternoon then heading home. I am looking forward to two whole days at home to clean (the dust & fur rhinos are taking over), cook, and get back to "normal" life.

    Ruth - glad you got a little "extra" sleep this morning. Happy gyming

    Cottage - Just one bathroom? Enjoy your day off

    Twynn - hooray for date night!

    Time to throw my grown-up clothes in the bag and get read for a work day.
  • Good morning. Um earthworm scented bathroom? ewwww lol That is so cool you are making wreaths. Ruth I must say I cannot wait to retire and have a similar lifestyle (not as busy though, but creative)

    Tammy, I thought I was the only person left to refinance. I really need to look into it as I am at 5.1% Yikes!!!!

    Linda enjoy your day off

    Just another work day. When I get home I plan on making an eggplant casserole I found on the recipe boards. Much easier to stay OP with a normal work schedule this week. Thanksgiving should not be an issue since I am working. I do have a Thanksgiving dinner plate to come home to. John from work is going to drop off dinner for me. We live about 5 minutes from each other. He is really a great guy. I am sure my neighbors will leave me a plate too. They always make sure I have a holiday meal. I am truly blessed

    TGIF my Friday comes tomorrow whoo hoo
  • Good Morning

    I slept many hours last night and am now getting packed up since DH just informed me he wants to be at the club at 8 instead of 9 so he can work out. It's very chilly but the pool is always nice and warm. A few hours on the other side then I'm down to Denver to pick up sis.

    Have a happy Friday Beacher friends!
  • Good morning,

    Ruth you have a lot on your schedule, lol earthworm smell

    Cottage sleeping late throws off my schedule as well

    Cyndi enjoy your adult work day lol

    Twynn yeah for saving money

    Jekel- have a good day

    I got more of DD room cleaned the dresser is now clean just two more areas to go lol.. today not sure what is on the agenda tonight.

    Have a great day everyone
  • Actually, an earthworm's bathroom smells nice and earthy - like Spring. When I bring earth in from outside, I always sterilize it in the oven and love the smell. It's my farmer blood. I love the smell of horse poop too! So take that, you city slickers!

    Linda, sure hope you got in to pee. I cannot imagine having six people with one bathroom!

    Tammy, great move on re-financing. You'll feel rich!

    Cyndi, Starbucks coffee? Special order? I bet you'll be glad to be home later today even if it is to clean and cook.

    Debbie, we need an ankle bracelet on you to keep track of where you are. I must figure out where the continental divide happens in Colorado.

    Jekel, sounds like you will be OK on Turkey Day. So nice to have friends and neighbours who share.

    Pearlrose, you sure are on a cleaning kick. I am starting to be addicted to pitching out stuff. (Do I need an intervention?)

    I'm back from the gym and have just anointed my bad knee with "feel better" stuff (Voltaren Emugel) and am sipping coffee, listening to Il Divo and deciding what to do with my day. Tomorrow is busy so this will be my Saturday! I'm going to try for some outside work when it warms up a bit - like gets above freezing! I also have an acorn squash baking and will be doing some sort of soup later. It's that time of year!

    Enjoy the day.
  • Ruth do you have a recipe for acorn squash soup?
  • Not yet. I'm planning to wing it. Thinking ginger for flavour and maybe some yogurt for garnish. I see no reason why it couldn't replace butternut squash in recipes - butternut is not my favourite, acorn is, mainly because I grow them.
  • Mine too. I had the most amazing acorn squash soup this week. It had a tiny spoonful of marscapone cheese in the middle and a drizzle of pumpkin oil on the top. Oh sooooo good
  • Good evening, ladies. Just popping in to say hello from work. Busy night so far, so just a quick fly by!!!
  • LOL...this thread is why I've been off all's the 16th!!