New and looking for a diet buddy :)

  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Katy and I'm about to embark on a weight loss journey. After a past success, the weight has crept back on and not too happy about it...

    I'm 22, currently 5ft3 and 12 stone, dress size 14. At my best I got done to 10st7lb and hope to get back to that soon.

    I look cooking and (when I find the chance) actually enjoy exercise, with one exception - SPINNING!!! Who knew the devil took the form of exercise

    I've been reading some of the threads on here and everyone seems really nice and supportive. I'm looking forward to chatting to you all hopefully in the very near future

    Besides the online forum, I'd really like to meet with some of you in person and maybe start our own fitness/cooking club. I live in North West London and it would be great to meet with other people maybe once a fortnight or something to discuss how we are feeling and support each other, as well as any other gossip we may have. I'm rather fond of Strictly myself! I would be more than happy to provide a few little nibbles (low fat/low cal of course!) just to make the evening a little tastier.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post and I'm really looking forward to hearing your opinions and replies.
