diet buddy/new here

  • Hello world! I am new here. I am 21 and i need to make a change in my life! i need a diet buddy/friend that is willing to be pretty much my new best friend. to talk to when im failing and someone to motivate me. I need this change. ive done everything. i've tried motivation with little treats (didnt work), worked out for a month (stop), and ive kept a journal, (lost it after two weeks). i just need help and advice!!
  • Hello and

    There is a lot of support here; I hope as you look through the forum you will be able to find threads you enjoy and feel you fit into. Just jump right on in anywhere!!
  • Welcome, xangelicox! You'll definitely find support and motivation here! What kind of advice are you looking for?
  • i need tips on healthy food! i work in a restaurant so I'm always faced with the temptations to eat fries and drink soda. I've cut back a lot on soda, I usually drink water with one glass of soda a night. Also i need meal plans i have no clue where to begin cause my boyfriend isn't eating healthy with me, but he is supportive. Also I need ideas for exercise that doesn't include a gym or weights. I'm getting in the habit of walking everyday and im gonna start doing the wii fit. but I'm tight on money plus I will be starting school this spring...