
  • I am a newbie and just need somewhere to start. I feel like I am spinning my wheels with no real motivation. I am hoping I can find a reason on here to really kick myself into gear. I am excited that I found all of you. It all happens for a reason and I am ready to find my motivation and will power!
  • Welcome, lauren2003!! You're already off to a good start by being here! Do you have any goals in mind? A number on the scale, an outfit you'd like wear, or something else? My initial motivation was health---in the last several months I started getting horrible acid reflux and sleep apnea, as well as my skin breaking out horribly, so one day I just got up from my couch and hopped on my treadmill to see what I could do. That was the last day of September, I believe, and now I'm typing this 18lbs. lighter. My biggest motivations changed depending on the week or my mood... Like right now my motivation to keep going is to finally see the other side of 200lbs. It's something I've wanted for years and this time I think I really can do it. That, and I'd like to start dating again, and would be more confident if I didn't hate my body so much.

    It helps if you have a plan, whether it's counting calories or carbs or maybe running/walking a certain amount a day or whatever. Over in our challenges threads we've got a bunch of stuff going on; maybe have a peek at those and see if any look interesting to join. It's really helped to keep me motivated and on track and the girls there are super supportive and motivating. Good luck!!
  • Hello Lauren. Congrats on getting started!!!